Mostly Everything

PC Magazine is the #1 Tech Mag in the Philippines


Hinge-Inquirer Publications has just posted a press release on the recent Synovate Consumer Survey for the months of June to August 2006.

Here is a snippet of the PR:

According to the Synovate survey PC Magazine Philippines reaches 157,703 readers, making it number one in the technology category. Following closely in second place is the three-issue-old Game! Magazine, the Philippines’ first online gaming magazine, with 148,873 readers. Both titles are published by Hinge Inquirer Publications (HIP), an Inquirer Group company.

The local version of PC Magazine is the recognized bible and reference publication of the computer industry here and abroad. PC Magazine Philippines incorporates the latest and most locally relevant material from its foreign counterparts, but also focuses on subject matter made by and for the Filipino PC aficionado, a combination appreciated by its readers, according to the Synovate results. Game!, on the other hand, focuses on the fastest-growing tech lifestyle category today – online gaming, particularly on locally available games. (source)

Okay, just to disclose, I have been a contributor for PC Magazine Philippines and I also do miscellaneous editorial work for GAME! Magazine. It is rewarding to belong to a technology editorial team where all three titles made it to the TOP 10.

I mentioned three magazines right? What’s the third, then? Well, Mobile Philippines of course, that ranked number 10 in the top tech magazines for the said period of June – August 2006. This is also considering that this was the time when the magazine had undergone a transition in title from “MPH” to “Mobile Philippines.”

Now how about that … 🙂

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

8 replies on “PC Magazine is the #1 Tech Mag in the Philippines”

congratulation PC Mag. you really have lived to the fact of being the IT mag authority in the phils.

i still remember what jayvee had said three years back during his talk over one product launch in enterprise tower stating, “we were fiddling gadgets even when we were just fetuses…” and now, we see the making of it, Mobile Phils ranked one of the top10 mags in the country. congratulations.

and of course, there is no such job as satisfying as something that coaxed you to play and writing down what you have your opinion on it. congratulations also to Game Mag as well.

pc mag has been around sincxe the 1980’s i think 🙂 ive had isues of pc mag since forever too!!

Re Mobile Philippines. Seriously guys, are you having circulation problems? It’s become one heck of an adventure just to look for your next ish. I am bracing myself with how I will be able to find the one for Nov.

[…] While I was browsing the web and reading blogs of people about the recently concluded SEO Philippines meeting last Sunday at the Fort (which I missed), I bumped into a post by Jayvee Fernandez about PC Magazine Philippines being the best local tech mag according to a readership survey by Synovate Media Atlas released on September 14 2006. Yahoo! Here is a link to the actual article posted in the Hinge Inquirer Publications blog. […]

hi,.. i am interested for the PC Magazine Philippines Subscription… how can i?.. please notifyme. thank you..=).

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