Innove Meet Update

When: August 31 2006 (it is not on the 30th anymore)
Where: Temple Bar, Greenbelt 2 | 8:00PM
What to expect
: It’s a surprise party (shhh!)

Kudos to Innove for seeing this through. There is a huge potential for non-traditional media. As products get more niched, consumers are slowly becoming more educated not by the big corporations but by the honest little bloggers.

The 12 Apostles of Globe Innove (haha!)

Abe Olandres of Pinoy Top Blogs

Connie Veneracion

Kiven Codamon

Jangelo Racoma


Gail (Kutitots)

Anton Diaz

Marc Macalua

Clair Ching

Rico Mossesgeld



By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

24 replies on “Innove Meet Update”

Wow. Who would be Judas among the 12? 😛


Btw, tech blog’s at

( has my personal rants and whatnot)


[…] I am up and about at this time (2:00 AM) because I had to pick up my daughters at Eastwood. Now I can’t sleep. *yawn* Everyone is still awake. With nothing better to do, I checked my site stats and discovered a link from Jayvee’s site. As I landed on the site, I laughed when I saw that I was one of the The 12 Apostles of Globe Innove . I hope I am not Judas. […]

Hey Jayvee!!! Woohoo! I’m in.

My name is Bimbo, Vespinoy is my “screen” name lang hehehe. Baka di ako makapasok kasi hanapan akong ID na Vespinoy.

Bimbo Isidro na lang 😉

[…] Hey look, I’m an Apostle of Globe Innove. Since Markku is going (which means, I’ll know somebody there aside from Abe), I’m in as well. Besides, who’d pass up the chance of free food and be called a “high-traffic blogger“? Flattery is one thing, feeding is another. And if you have both, you have one happy blogger 😀 […]

[…] I’ll be out for most of this evening. (Am I not out busy almost every day this week?) Will be attending the much-awaited Bloggers meetup sponsored by Globe Innove. Globe is supposed to showcase its latest offering in mobile broadband connectivity, and we’re hoping for more than just a sneak peek (hint, hint!). It’s sort of a press junket, but for bloggers (a.k.a. non-traditional media people). […]

[…] First, let me say that Caren and I had a good time last night at Temple Bar, Greenbelt 2, where the Globe Innove sponsored bloggers’ meetup was held. Food was okay—not really great, but it was okay—and the drinks were good, too (anything with alcohol is, right?). But what was great was how the event gave us bloggers another opportunity to interact with each other in person. While I have been seeing an upsurge of activities lately where bloggers get to meet and do interesting stuff, this is not as common an occurrence as we would like it to be. So we try to take advantage of such events. […]

[…] There will be a blogging conference on the 25th of this month (September) from 7 to 10 PM at the National Sports Grill in Greenberlt 3, Makati. This is sponsored by Globe Innove who was also behind the blogger dinner that we had a few weeks ago, which reminds me that I haven’t really written about it. […]

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