Mostly Everything

Blog Tip: Write about pop culture

If you’re in the mood to widen your personal blog’s audience, you may want to try a trick I’ve been doing not only for this blog but also for my technology sites.

The tip is to try to connect your blog topics with popular culture references.

For instance, blog traffic here had increased when I did a post on Bubbles Paraiso being my former student. The post title was simply Bubbles Paraiso, a popular model and local TV show host (and yes she was really my student). Being a hot item in the entertainment industry, Bubbles was able to squeeze some Google Juice my way. If you do a search for her on Google, I am on the front page as of July 6 2006.

On my mobile phone blog, traffic shot up when I created a thread on the Final Fantasy Advent Children phone that Cloud was using. I knew that FFVII would be a hot topic of discussion and putting it on Google would send some juice my way. I also recently made some posts on the Bleach and Naruto cell phone straps.

Take a look around you and figure out what’s in in today’s pop culture. Names of celebrities, popular cars, toys, television shows and events are always welcome. Put yourself in the shoes of the person who wants to find information on the web. Figure out what this person will type on Google to get this information and use those keywords as your post titles.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

6 replies on “Blog Tip: Write about pop culture”

i know what you mean sir. angelica panganiban single handedly raised my daily average by approx 50X.try searching google for “maxim philippines”, “angelica panganiban maxim” and im probably in the 1-2 position.and im not even the source, i just reposted something i saw on another about

Oh my God Kiven, you also picked up Jayvee’s “sir” mannerism? 😮

I guess this goes to show that a good blogger still needs to have a life. I think it’s better to produce content of actual interaction with pop culture, instead of providing a distant perspective.

I used to this regularly, like every two weeks, but felt the traffic wasn’t entirely genuine. They become nameless stats without a face. Hahaha. But once in a while, everyone should. 😉

I’m with Rico for “actual interaction!” An interview with Bubbles or some other personality would raise your traffic to the sky! Any chance she’ll be at the blogger dinner? 😉 Hehehe, joke lang yun.

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