i used to write poetry

During my “Sunday alone time” I accidentally uncovered some of the poetry I used to write back in college. I’m not sure if I actually posted some of in my old blog so pardon my French if I indulge myself in a memory of what I used to do.

Like a Lover

If you sing to me
Like a lover in love,
If you bathe my tears with tears;
If you, like a lover, soften my blows
Against today’s winter
And kiss me like spring –
Be it a caress of feather
Or a sorrowful weather.
Dream with me in a slow dance of Time.
Love me forever, in one
Scarlet embrace, and kiss me, dear, with
An undressed heart,
And a wet teardrop
That finds way through a river’s face,
Like a lover in love.

– jayvee fernandez

I wrote this for someone I used to like in college. It never became us but we watched three movies together, had one dinner date and I remember calling her once when she moved to the States. And no, we never kissed. I remember we held hands once, but we were both pasmado. Hehe.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

8 replies on “i used to write poetry”

Oh, so you’re a sensitive soul, unusual for a guy! Great writing, you should keep it up! And waaaay too cute story. =)

I use to write a lot of sonnets myself but I just don’t have much time now! Happy sunday!

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