Fathers Day is still several calendar days away but our fine friends from MSI-ECS (ZTE Philippines and Genius) have decided to start the daddy celebrations this early! We are giving away the following prizes:
1. FIRST PRIZE: A pair of ZTE V956 Android smartphones (one for you and one for dad!)
2. SECOND PRIZE: Genius GX-Gaming SW 2.1 Speakers (700 watts)
3. THIRD PRIZE: Genius Gaming Headset and SPi250G Portable Speakers
The contest mechanics:
1. This contest is not a raffle.
2. Upload or email your memorable photo(s) with dad and add a caption. Multiple entries permitted.
2.1 You may upload on Instagram / Twitter but use the hashtag #msiecs_thanksdad.
2.2 If you are going to email, please send to BOTH mgranil (at) msi-ecs dot com dot ph and jayvee.fernandez (at) gmail dot com
3. This contest is open till June 20 2013
4. MSI ECS will upload all the entries to their Facebook page for all to see.
5. **Not a requirement** but you can also follow me: @jayveef (Instagram) and @jayvee (Twitter)
Criteria for winners:
1. 50% number of votes (likes on the photo)
2. 50% decision of ABL
Winners will be announced on June 24 2013.
You may click on the photo above to see the mechanics as well.