Mostly Everything

Afterthoughts on Making Wii Wii

Kirby, veteran (and cutest) fighter from Super Smash Brothers
photo c/o SSBB website

This post is more than a year late. With the Nintendo Wii becoming yesterday’s news, the iPhone is now the news breaker as the dawn of a new technology revolution has begun.

I’d like to dedicate this post to write a bit about my hands on experiences as a Nintendo Wii owner and using it in the Philippines, especially in terms of some epiphanies in the price myth:

Mostly Everything

“If a network problogger left the blogosphere, would anyone care?”

The answer would most likely be a yes, especially if you’re a blog manager.

Bloggers come and bloggers go. Just like in the traditional print industry, a painful transition can be brought about when the editor in chief of a magazine leaves to pursue other things. This can lead to a discombobulating series of events, especially when the EIC had been hand picked from the day the title, focus and market of the magazine was conceived.

Adel Gabot once told me that you can tell whether an editor in chief has a full grasp over his magazine when you turn the pages and see the content reflect his or her personality. Such editors such as Tim Yap of Super!, Pam Pastor of 2bu!, RJ Ledesma of MANUAL, as well as the boys over at C! Magazine are good examples of this. Passion driven, personality fueled.

So then the big question mark: what happens when the EIC leaves the magazine, taking with him all the personality and direction he set up throughout the many months, years and yes, even to the very point of taking the entire magazine staff with him?

Mostly Everything

In Photos: Unboxing the Nokia N95


Geez. Nokia really spent was really meticulous with the packaging for this little device.

Might as well make the unboxing experience for the new owner gleeful, helping you justify the reasons why they bought this in the first place. Reinforcement is the key to positive self concept.

View the full unboxing experience.

Mostly Everything

When does a “Web Magazine” Work?

I always felt intrigued with the concept of “cusp” publications between traditional and new media. Take for instance the concept of a web magazine, which is basically a PDF (or otherwise) document that is embedded onto a web page. The main difference is that the “web magazine” never sees the light of print. It stays as a digital document in the same way a magazine remains in its final stages before submission to the printing press.

An example of this is the Mobius ForPlay Online Magazine accessible via the domain.

Mostly Everything

Migs Paraz has questions. I have answers.

Here is a short interview from Migs Paraz. This is a tagged post from him. If you want me to send you my set of five interview questions, just leave a comment expressing your interest.

About the Mac. I’m having Mac Envy. Give me a good reason not to get a Mac. OS X’s Safari doesn’t render post quicktags in the WordPress dashboard. You can install Windows and it will become prone to viruses.

About blogging. It’s your advocacy. What’s the strangest experience that blogging has brought you? A number of companies “monitor” my blog. When I go to press events, I feel a cold shudder running down my spine as I write “Jayvee from A Bugged Life.” It’s all good really. It is a little disconcerting but at the same time flattering to be on the phone with a PR agency and the first thing they say is “hey we were just with [name of client here] and they said they read your blog.” The strangest experience is when people find out my online persona is cooler than my real life 🙁

About your cellphone blog: what’s the favorite cellphone you’ve owned? I never really had a favorite. I guess with all the phones I’ve owned, they each had a special place in my heart with different strengths and weaknesses. I guess I treat them all like my children – I did my best with all of them. Contrary to what people think, although I’m a geek, I only change phones once every two years as SMART gives away a free phone depending on your retention plan. No questions asked.

About new media. Which media mogul (past or present) would you like to trade places with? Chris Anderson, editor in chief of WIRED and author of The Long Tail. I’ve learned to put up a virtual board of directors to help run my life. Borrowing principles and attitudes from different people in my preferred industry helps me keep a smiling face, a positive outlook and one hand in my pocket. Chris is a brilliant editor, having steered WIRED to become something like the NatGeo of tech. And that Long Tail book. Oh don’t get me started on that. I can go on and on.

About people. Who’s the most interesting blog celebrity you’re met or communicated with online? There are so many, but Darren Rowse of Problogger leaves a good impression on me. My relationship with Darren has many levels. First, I was a fan of his blog ever since 2006. Second, he is technically my boss at b5media and I sometimes ping him on Skype to clarify work-related stuff. But among all these times, Darren has what I like calling a “unity of life” where how he is on his blog is exactly the same way he is in chat, in his internal podcasts and in the forums. It’s something I admire because it spells a genuine and sincere character.

Juned asked to be tagged. This is my interview with him. Riz Sanchez also answered my questions to her dismay! My interview questions are very thought provoking.

Here are the rules:
1. Leave me a comment saying “Interview me.”
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.