Mostly Everything

Manila by night from the International Space Station

manila international space station

Earlier this morning, Commander Chris Hadfield of the International Space Station put this out on Google+ and Twitter. Looks like rush hour down there.

Tonight’s Finale: At long last – Manila, capital of the Philippines, delicately shining in the night.

This photo gives me that warm, fuzzy feeling especially when you see the G+ conversation thread.

manila by night space station

Mostly Everything

‘Sede vacante’: Papal Seat is empty and so is the Twitter account

the papal seat is empty

The traditions of the papacy is engulfed in rich history. From the breaking of the papal seal to hitting the head of a deceased pope with a hammer, a new Church tradition has begun in the digital age. The sede vacante (from Latin sedes, -is; chair; third declension) which is the term given to the time period between popes seems to also appy in the digital age. With over 1.6M followers on Twitter, @Pontifex has deleted all its previous tweets to symbolize that the papacy is in transition. The screen name of Pope Benedict VI has also been removed to honor the sede vacante.

Mostly Everything

Hands on with the Lenovo P770 – dual SIM, 3500mAh battery, USB OTG; yours for PHP 11,999


It’s finally here. I’ve been writing about Lenovo for months but no other phone has generated this much excitement than the P770. And we can’t blame them: this is the phone that addresses the #1 concern of most mobile warriors: battery life. Although sightly thicker than most smartphones to date, the trade off of the P770 is its amazing 3500mah battery which is essentially 3x the capacity of an iPhone 5 battery and slightly higher than the Galaxy Note II (but remember the Note II uses up more power because of the bigger screen and processing speeds).


Audrey Hepburn brought back to life to endorse a chocolate brand

audrey hepburn CG

Watching this ad brings strong feelings of nostalgia and a bucketful of sadness. I’m stunned by the powerful emotions that a computer rendition of her can bring to the table. Wow.

audrey hepburn commercial

audrey hepburn computer graphics

audrey hepburn galaxy chocolate commercial

Mostly Everything

Facebook announces free or discounted messaging services, SMART Communications sole PH telco in program

facebook chat messaging smart communications free

OK everything’s happening so fast so I decided to just post it in full here. I got this from Nick of SMART not via a press release but, well, via Facebook. Touche? Note: Globe and SUN Cellular are not part of this promo. The details are not final as SMART is still in the finishing touches with Facebook. If you don’t believe me, Engadget has their version up.