Mostly Everything

WhatsOnSale for iOS: Because Knowing is Half the Bargain

Thought: I’ve always wanted an app that would inform me of a good bargain. Foursquare sorta did that with the food industry and other brand-specific apps do something similar, but with exclusive ties to its conglomerate of stores. What I was looking for: a brand-agnostic app that would inform me of sales, promos and discounts […]

Mostly Everything

NBA 2K14 now available in the Philippines

Today marks the launch of NBA 2k14 in the Philippines. Distributor XPlay is holding an event today to commemorate the launch. Datablitz, perhaps the most popular retailer of video games has released the prices. As expected, PC master race is the most affordable. Region: PS3 – R3 X360 – NTSC-J PS3 – P2,395.00 X360 – […]

Mostly Everything

Unboxing the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 (which I won at a raffle last night!)

So I was like “My wife would probably like this phone. Total, she was already using a Galaxy Mega.” For those who don’t know, the Samsung Galaxy Mega was the 6.3″ precursor to the Note 3 sharing similar hardware features such as NFC and LTE compatibility. Then my name was called. Chedeng!


Of Lists, underwater selfies and BonChon Chicken

I made a quick trip to Cebu last week for the 3rd Student Marketing Congress in Cebu. More than 3,000 students (and my biggest crowd yet) can get a tad overwhelming. I was there to talk about effective websites but repurposed my talk to discuss blogging and content because well, it was really more fitting […]


Elevator Joe: Managing an elevator has never been this fun!

From the creator of Streetfood Tycoon, Elevator Joe is a fast-paced mobile game for Android and iOS, putting you as the commander of an … elevator. Your job is to ferry tenants to and fro in the most efficient way possible. The elevator you man can only accommodate a limited number of tenants and the […]