Mostly Everything

WhatsOnSale for iOS: Because Knowing is Half the Bargain

Thought: I’ve always wanted an app that would inform me of a good bargain. Foursquare sorta did that with the food industry and other brand-specific apps do something similar, but with exclusive ties to its conglomerate of stores. What I was looking for: a brand-agnostic app that would inform me of sales, promos and discounts whether they be food, credit card promos, in-store promos and even online shopping deals.

WhatsOnSale is a relatively new app that pushes news about sales, promos and discounts into your smartphone. Currently available on iOS, WhatsOnSale takes a look at your general location and prompts you with nearby promos. In that sense, it’s similar to Foursquare but it goes beyond food.

In the promo below for instance, I wanted to take a look at credit card promotions. If you think about it, the app makes a good case for choosing a credit card company based on the number of promos available. In this case, BPI is the clear winner.




Though promos based on geolocation is pretty neat, I still prefer browsing the full list of categories. You’ll be surprised to know that there really is a rich list of establishments that go on sale regularly and if you contextualize this with holidays such as Halloween, you’ll see a healthy listing of hotel promos for that day so you can do an informed comparison between establishments.


Although WhatsOnSale supports coupons I haven’t encountered any. The promos are actually just a compilation of listings with the corresponding contact information of the establishments to inquire further.


If I were to nitpick, the overall design and layout isn’t too appealing, given that it uses the carousel-style scroll similar to iTunes. I would have honestly preferred an option to have the promos in tile format rather than the rolodex-inspired spinning. But that’s really just minor.



Download Link (iTunes)
Facebook Page

To sum it all up, WhatsOnSale does only one thing, but does it quite surprisingly well: it keeps you informed of all the promotions and discounts across several establishments. I would highly suggest downloading the app and do a quick browse this coming holidays. It will definitely make your Christmas shopping more informed!

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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