Mostly Everything

Hello I’m Jayvee: All Around Geek, Diver, Photographer — and I’m Joining SNUPS!

Hey guys, back to reality! This post is long delayed. Sorry about that. If you want more real time updates, I’m almost always online on Twitter (@jayvee) and Instagram (@jayveef).

Anyway, we’ve been working on a huge event — it’s basically Year II of SNUPS, the biggest underwater photo competition in the Philippines. Now, you don’t need to be a professional photographer to join. There are categories suited for beginners as long as you can bring a camera down 2 feet with tupperware (you’ll be amazed with the things you can find — after all it’s the Philippines!).

In this case, we took the iPhone 4s down. Have a look at the video and share it with friends who may be interested! =)


April 20-24 2012

May 4-8 2012

Hello I'm Jayvee

Mostly Everything

Holy Week Hiatus: Beijing

It’s that time of the year where most Filipinos pull themselves away from the computer and run to the beach. In our case, it’s Beijing! Here are some photos of the Great Wall, The Forbidden City, the Summer Palace and the lake surrounded by Beijing’s night life and alleyways.

On a related note, the Android version of Instagram was released early this morning. If you’re on Android, download it now!

Photos taken with Instagram for iOS. Follow me at @jayveef (not to be confused with my Twitter account which is @jayvee.

P.S. Got to experience first-hand the Great Firewall of China. Most blog services are banned (self-hosted WordPress is safe), Twitter + Facebook are blocked as well. If I wanted to post to Twitter or FB, I’d have to use apps like Instagram, Foursquare or Path as these are unblocked. Our local tour guide told us that she really doesn’t feel the need to use these anyway as none of her friends are in it. To her, the mobile phone is more important and China has gone a long way since.

Mostly Everything

Gorgeous Guimaras: An underwater exploration

Gorgeous Guimaras from Robert Suntay on Vimeo.

NUDI was invited by the Department of Tourism and the governor of Guimaras to do an exploratory dive and see what the islands have to offer. This is an enthralling video by Robert Suntay showcasing the relaxing waters of Guimaras.


Can’t wait! Nightfall for iOS Coming Soon

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: I love the Android mobile platform but when it comes to this little niche of board game / card game titles, iOS is always first to market. If you’re a board game geek, you’ll be pleased to know that Nightfall is coming to the App Store very soon. I previously did a short overview and unboxing of the Nightfall: Martial Law a standalone expansion on GeekOut and if you read closely, the physical card game, albeit fun can bring about a huge impediment with the setup process as there are over 300 cards to organize. Bringing the game to iOS removes this hassle!

Added bonus: Check out this interview with Playdek and AEG.

Mostly Everything

Be the first in line for Instagram for Android

Finally, after months of waiting Android users will ***soon*** be able to become part of the Instagram community. For the longest time, iOS users enjoyed the exclusivity of the most popular photo sharing app for the smartphone. Perhaps the reason why Instagram took this long, I surmise, has to do with the fact that there are just so many different types of camera hardware on Android, making it harder to scale as compared to iOS where you only have to develop for the iPad and iPhone. But then again, that didn’t stop other app developers to create their own Instagam-like apps for Android.

Anyway, be first in line. Sign up here.