Mostly Everything

Basilan, Isabela in the new Medal of Honor Warfighter

Here’s an extended playthrough of the new Medal of Honor: Warfighter making use of the Frostbite 2 engine. What makes it especially interesting to Filipinos is that Preacher and the rest of Tier 1 make their way to Basilan, Isabela. To be honest, apart from the totalled jeepney and the locals shouting “Tara na! Tara na!” and “OK ka lang? OK lang ako!” it pretty much looks like any generic shooter out there.

Mostly Everything

Tonino Lamborghini L700 Limited Edition: Android 2.3, 5.0MP camera, plus lots of affluence; sells for PHP 135,000.00

Here it is folks. Would you buy this for PHP 135,000 (HK$23,800.00)? From a technical perspective, the specs are basically your run off the mill Android device from 2011. 5MP camera + Android version 2.3. But that’s not the point. This is the phone for the opulent as its rather small 3.7″ screen is treated with sapphire and built to spec according to Tonino Lamborghini’s design precision: all 650 parts.


Dedicated to the Mantis Shrimp

Subject: Peacock Mantis Shrimp
Photo taken in Secret Bay, Anilao
Click on the image for bigger version

In an episode of Radiolab titled Colors, Jad and Robert explore the inner workings of how human beings (and other creatures) perceive color. For instance, in Ancient Greece, the color blue was absent in all the documented pieces of literature. Why?! Were the ancient Greeks and Romans colorblind?

In another segment, the show takes a look at how other animals view the colors of the rainbow. Surprisingly, I have several photos of the only creature in the world that has the highest spectrum to discern colors — the mantis shrimp. I see at least one every weekend.

Cheers to you, mantis shrimp. Aside from being the only creature in the world that sees the full spectrum of the rainbow, you also pack quite a punch.

Mostly Everything

Say Hai! to the Haipad: 7″ Android tablet with ICS for only PHP 4,189 via Lazada

Here’s a find. The Haipad (yes we know it sounds like an iPad saying hello) is probably the most affordable bargain in Manila for a 7″ tablet. According to the folks at Lazada’s online store, the 8GB Haipad is one of their most popular products selling off the virtual shelves. I had to ask: what makes this device so affordable? Is it made of cheap plastic? Are the parts wonky? Read on for our review.

Reps from Lazada contacted me asking if I wanted to review the Haipad after picking it up from their office in Makati and playing with it for several days, here are my insights:

Mostly Everything

I’ll just leave this here .. Gangnam Style Cat

There you go. KTNXBYE!