Mostly Everything

Hands on with the Canon Powershot S95 Underwater

The stable of cameras at Casa Fernandez include a Nikon D40 with over 10 legacy lenses, a Canon 350D used exclusively for underwater shoots and a Panasonic Lumix LX3. So as you can see it’s really impractical for this geek to go out buying more cameras. When I saw Canon’s S90 release several months ago I snickered — not because this was a bad camera — in fact it was pretty good. But this was Canon playing catch up with Panasonic’s purely “viral” DMC-LX3. Many months later, Canon releases the Powershot S95 and I must say I’m floored with the results.

I took two cameras to Mobile World Congress but ended up using the S95 for everything because it was light and it fit into my pocket. It produced stunning images on Aperture priority (the default I use for attending conventions since I don’t have time to really care about settings) and like most cameras does really well in natural light. With the flash turned on, it seemed a bit sub-par compared to my Lumix flash, but hands down, this camera is a natural winner. If you want a compact camera that takes good photos and video, look no further. Just ask Winston.

All the photos taken at the Mobile World Congress were shot using the S95. All videos too.

If you’re choosing between a Canon G12 and the S95, you need only to consider two things: if you already own an external Canon flash and would like to use it with your point and shoot too, then you should settle for a G12. If not, get the S95.

So many blogs have reviewed the Canon S95 but it is rare to find a review of how the camera fares underwater. So here it is. The video above consists of snippets from depths between 15-40 feet (the more vivid videos) and 60-80 ft (the more “blue-ish” ones) because the deeper you go, color vanishes. Red is the first to vanish. I shot this using an Ikelite S95 casing which I borrowed from my instructor. Compared to my JVC Ikelite setup, I have nothing but envy for the S95 rig because it takes so much better video and excellent battery.

The only problem with the underwater setup is the casing: Ikelite has a design flaw with the knob used to rotate the dial to change settings. That’s why I don’t have photos: I couldn’t move the dial to enter photo mode!

I have to reiterate that this is one good camera. You won’t go wrong with this purchase. But please research price as you will find these to be much cheaper in Hidalgo than in your commercial establishments.

Mostly Everything

Suggestions for Tonyo and Janette

Hi Tonyo and Janette,

I am in favor of what the National Bloggers Association aspires for but I don’t believe that you need a new association to do this. Here are some of my thoughts and I hope you consider them. Thanks! 🙂


MAJOR ADDITION (March 7 2011): Late last night on Twitter I had suggested that it would be more convincing if Tonyo laid down more specific projects that the NBA could be involved in so that people see some sort of roadmap. It will also be less controversial if this association were turned into a volunteer movement (just like RockEd Philippines) which had specific goals and would disband after a set number of years. Gang Badoy did chime in on this mentioning that there was some sort of dictatorship in the beginning before it turned into a democracy. What is important however is that RockEd effectively gave birth to several separate projects which are independent of the organization.

Look at their manifesto. RockEd is a group that has volunteers. You can come in and out and choose the projects you want to be involved in. You can pitch projects. The Tech Tanod project headed by Juned is in partnership with RockEd Philippines.

I’m not putting the NBA side by side Rock Ed Philippines because that would be unfair. I’m just suggesting that the system of volunteerism works better because it is less controversial and you really get quality people involved with their time and ideas rather than waste so much time with the bureaucratic decision-making.

On another note, I do agree with Sonnie that people directly involved in this should not have a business interest because it will really raise eyebrows:

I am not interested for a seat or position, if it pushes thru, for conflict of interest [I am also a marketer and entrepreneur]

I hope the organizers take these insights into consideration from someone who has had a lot of experience in helping build communities in the past.


Forming a National Blogger’s Association is like trying to form an association that promotes breathing. Everybody loves to breathe. We all need to breathe. We all know the importance of breathing, but we don’t go around building a manifesto around it. Yeah we have the Clean Air Act and the whole marathon thing that’s somewhat uso. These don’t promote breathing per se, but they do so indirectly. The act of blogging by itself is promoting blogging.

Suggestion: Why can’t you just ask individual bloggers to become members of IMMAP or PICS? We have too many organizations! The fact that we’re trying to form more of these groups makes it more apparent that IMMAP isn’t working. What about Digital Filipino? Why can’t you just open up membership to more bloggers? (Why aren’t they joining?)

The manner by which the draft was spread wasn’t advocating blogging at all. If you’re going to form an organization of bloggers to push blogging, the least you could have done was use BLOGGING as a tool to get insights on the manifesto. Janitor Al is right: a wiki would be the best way. There is no excuse. Despite the Janitor being anonymous, the points raised make it look like the organization is being founded by rookies who are more interested in lobbying and the bureaucracy.

With regards to the Professional Bloggers Association, I am also a bit iffy about this. However, to move on, you will need to clearly define what % of income a blogger should be earning from blogging to be considered “professional.” The standard is usually at least 30% of salary if I am not mistaken. Also, you need to define if “blogging” means your personal blog. Because I think it should (i.e. if I am a hired social media guy from a company like Netbooster and I do blogs, am I considered a professional blogger? Because in the strict sense, no). Also, anyone who joins this organization should be able to issue an official receipt. They should strictly follow the WOM manifesto, or something similar to it. An official receipt. Yeah, maybe that’s something the organization can help with. Some sort of blogging co-op that helps with accounting. But going back, I am not in favor of this because in the past, organizations like this don’t really make a dent in anything. Again, why not just enhance IMMAP?

Look. Guys. That’s the beauty of blogs. They are the anti-thesis of such organizations. Why are we trying to stop it? Putting up such organizations will send out a stronger statement via the people who don’t join. And from a PR standpoint, that looks juicy.

Also, and this is towards Janette: I am aware that you are pushing Effective Measure in the Philippines. Congratulations on this by the way! I hope you do not use these associations as a means to lobby the use of EM. That will put you in a relatively powerful business position which may put you in an eyebrow-raising conflict of interest. I trust you naman but I do have to point that out. It’s what people WILL think so I’m just saying it now, in the open, while it’s early. I apologized to you in the open back in ’07 so you know I come with no malice intended. EDIT: Her reply regarding EM.

To Tonyo, I know how you feel dude. Believe me. That’s because something similar happened to me in 2007, which was duly resolved and I even apologized to Janette in public.

Net of it all, I think the push for a national association for bloggers is not timely. Not timely not in the sense that it is too early, but because next thing you know, blogging isn’t the next big thing and it may just be too late.

I hope you both consider these insights to heart and hope we can engage in proper discourse. 🙂

Here’s what others are saying: (send your links in the comments section)

Aileen Apolo: Blogging is a mass of niches

Jonas de los Reyes asks Yahoo! Answers

Regnard Raquedan suggests to make it a professional association

Mommy Bloggers Club and this one too


Blogie’s take

Juned Sonido’s thoughts


BlogWatch’s Take

Mostly Everything

Driving a Ford Fiesta: How I select my favorite radio station …

I’m a happy Honda City owner. Bought it last year. I’ve been hearing news about new cars especially about the 2011 Hyundai Accent which everybody seems to love. I’ve been listening to podcasts in the USA talking about Ford’s Sync (renamed and upgraded to the MyTouch system) technology which really turns your car into a new digital ecosystem. I sent Anika Salceda-Wycoco (congratulations on newly married life!) a text asking if she has any more information about this. Nothing on My Touch yet but the Sync technology is alive in the Ford Fiesta.

I recently bought a car. If I let this go in the next 5 to 10 years this will be a ripe time to buy into the new technologies that turn your car into a real computer. The current My Touch system from Ford allows iTunes tagging, HD radio, built in WiFi, several LED screens, RSS feeds, Internet browsing and much more. If all things remain constant, Ford is definitely top of the list.

I’d like to know: does anyone own a Ford Fiesta? How is it as a car? How’s the after sales service? Is it competitive with the current offerings? I was only able to drive it for a few days but for me this wasn’t enough to form a full opinion about the car because the geeky features blew me away. 🙂

Mostly Everything

Current Audiobook Pick: The King’s Speech

I bought The King’s Speech yesterday on Audible. Found out today the movie won an Oscar. The book is narrated by Jamie Glover who also did voice work for the Star Wars gaming franchise including Star Wars: Battlefront and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic I and II.

Another version of The King’s Speech is being released on Amazon read by veteran Simon Vance. I would have preferred this version but well, it isn’t out. Vance is most famous for narrating two of my favorite books on tape, The Millenium Trilogy and the improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.

A book like this shouldn’t be read. It should be listened to 🙂

Mostly Everything

The irony with MWC ’11 was …

Despite being the venue for telcos and everything wireless, the irony of it all was that Internet in Barcelona was a tad crappy. I guess that’s what happens when you have 60,000 people trying to connect at the same time. You should have seen the behind the scenes — my blog posts were written in TextEdit and pasted on to WordPress when it finally loaded. I’d wait for the opportune moment for Internet to kick in (c/o trusty Menu Meters) and then press publish. Hence it was next to impossible to upload YouTube videos (I was only able to squeeze in one or two). So now that we’re back in Manila, we have over 150 videos in 24 gigs shot using two Canon S95’s. Andi and I have a bunch of vides to show so I decided to start with an appetizer…