
What to Do During a Day Trip in Calgary

When many think of vacations and getting away, they consider driving out of the cities: but Calgary is here to prove that’s not the only way to cut loose!  This historic city, full of the best views and people you can find, sets itself apart from anywhere else in the world.  These are the top reasons anyone would enjoy a day trip here.

Go Sightseeing

Calgary has some of the most beautiful views in the country.  With mountains on one side and the Bow River on the other, it’s like a panoramic poster that moves and changes.  Just a couple of hours from Banff National Park, Calgary knows how important getting in touch with nature is. Of course, the city itself is also beautiful, sprawled out in gorgeous architecture and city planning and Calgary homes for sale: you’ll run out of room on your phone if you try to catch every beautiful moment you see.

Enjoy A Live Game

If you want to get your adrenaline rushing and sports are more your scene: come to town for a live game!  The Calgary Oilers are internationally known for their prowess on the ice, but they’re not the only team in the city that’s worth seeing! So if you’re heading into town, shop ahead to find tickets for whatever games may be playing.  There’s nothing as thrilling as a live sports event, so get out there and cheer them on!

Look At Olympic History

Calgary was home to the Olympics in 1988.  This gave the city the chance to gain attention internationally, and it didn’t disappoint!  When visiting, you can take a walk through that history and see the locations where the athletes competed.  Most of the courses and stadiums have been converted for modern athletics use, allowing visitors to live out an Olympics dream of their own.  Although it’s been over thirty years, these attractions still hold up and are both inspiring and incredibly important historically.

Have Family Fun In Calaway Park

If you’re coming into town with your family, the best part might be Calaway Park!  This 160-acre amusement park has everything from mini-golf to waterslides.  Kids can cut loose and run around until they run out of energy, and parents can enjoy the multiple rides and food stands that cover the park.  New exhibits crop up every year, so there’s a good chance that if you’ve been before, there’s still something you haven’t tried!

Enjoy Calgary Zoo

Whether you’re more interested in penguins or seeing pandas in person you should take some time to enjoy the Calgary Zoo. The Calgary Zoo works hard to impress.  With a heavy focus on wildlife conservation and preservation, this Zoo is more than just a place to see animals.  Interactive exhibits, thrilling new animals to visit every year, and engaging educational tours, will allow you to learn more about the beautiful animals we share this planet with.  

Calgary is more than just the heart of oil in Canada.  With fun entertainment, gorgeous views, and fascinating history: this is the perfect city for anyone to take a day trip to.

Olympic image credit:

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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