
How Technology Has Helped the Medical Industry

Improved patient care and treatment

The reality is that medicine hasn’t always been the kindest to patients in the past, and this is especially true in the psychiatric units. History has shown us a need for renovation and it has finally started to take hold with improved patient consideration and advanced treatments that are thoroughly tested to be safe. 

Patients are also far more informed about the side effects and potential pitfalls of treatments than in the past. Technology has also improved to monitor our health more efficiently such as the ECG machine which gives more accurate readouts.

Ability to store more medical data

The capacity for keeping accurate measurements of patient data has increased dramatically since the rise of technological advancements. Data storage is now far easier whereas in the past you only had paper files to work with which could be destroyed or lost. Data about each patient is very accessible and organized now which means that doctors can have access to important files quickly in the event of an emergency. Instead of scrambling to find files they just have to do a search to locate your medical history for convenient accessibility. With the advent of computers, we have seen tremendous efficiency in data storage and it will continue to increase over time.

Enhanced augmentation options

Getting a robotic arm or leg used to be something from a science fiction film, but now it’s becoming a reality before our eyes. Cybernetic intelligence has become a possibility for those who also wish to regain their sight which is incredible. Before you had no choice but to use glasses, and now there are even smart lenses that accommodate our vision further in the form of contacts. 

Technology has been starting to explode off the scene with new options available to people that are becoming commonplace. Even the concept of a brain chip is being talked about which could be a two-sided coin. Still, it’s remarkable that it is potentially on the horizon!

Management of inventory

Medical inventory in the past used to be rather discombobulated and this was before we started to address this with ergonomics. A more organized hospital is a healthy one, and establishments started to take note of the various needs for more effective inventory management practices for continuity and safety. Everything is accounted for meticulously which is comforting to patients knowing that they won’t be getting an expired dose of medicine. 

Previously, the medical staff would need to check all the inventory manually which took away from their other duties and reduced efficiency. Now everything is done with technology suitable for accurately storing and accounting for all items in a hospital.

Improved diagnostic accuracy

It was a scarier time to live in back when medicine was in its infancy because misdiagnoses were far more common and would result in accidental deaths. Now doctors have the access to computer software that will give them an accurate diagnosis based on certain criteria with efficiency and speed. This can be a lifesaver in certain circumstances where patients had to wait for extended periods of time to get their diagnosis and it was often too late. 

It is far easier to locate abnormalities with various scans now than we didn’t have before. Diseases can be quickly located and address with amazing efficiency, and this prolongs the life of those who seek medical attention.

Personal data protection advancements

There have been significant advancements in medical technology that are setting the stage for a futuristic world. Before the technology was available, doctors were forced to store sensitive information in locked file cabinets that could easily be tampered with. Now they have advanced encryption technology that keeps patient data safe and secure. Although there is still the possibility of cyberattacks, it is far more reliable than physically storing documents. 

The previous system was highly inefficient and was resulting in a plethora of lawsuits because of the increased breaching of patient confidentiality. Now, this information is only accessible by a password instead of a fallible lock. Technology has given people peace of mind regarding their important data and reduced the cost of storing them in cabinets. These advancements are notable because patient data is very important to keep secure for the long term.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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