Mostly Everything

Let’s talk about doors: an innovative product that … opens doors

There are an endless list of new products becoming available for your home. Whether this be the latest smart home devices, that are becoming are far more regular addition to many household. This is also only likely to continue to increase for years to come.

Another product that has been a real innovation in the industry is the Composite door. Truedor have been at the forefront of the product, which continues to increase in popularity in recent years. They continue to push with staying green in the process of all products. This means working in full compliance of regulations and recycling 100% of products, such as PVC, sawdust, mixed scrap metal, paper and cardboard.

So what is a Composite door?

They have been created in order to counteract the common flaws in single material doors, such as uPVC doors which are purely made of plastic. Composite doors are made from a number of different materials that are pressed and glued together to provide a better product. These can also be tailored to the need of the consumer, such as with a traditional, cottage, contemporary, harmony or even a fire door for example.

What makes a Composite door special?

They have a huge advantage over alternative options such as wooden steel and UPVC doors. They are made to measure under the exact specification of the buyer. This means they not only add value to the appearance of your home or office, but also have much better added security than traditional doors.

Benefits of Composite doors?

  • They offer excellent value for money
  • Composite doors are extremely durable and weather resistant. This means they will last a lot longer than a normal door and are not prone to a similar amount of damage.
  • They require next to no maintenance and are inexpensive to look after. This means simply an occasional once over is required to keep the product at its best.
  • Composite doors enhance the overall look of your home or business as they are an attractive door to look at. They can be designed for the exact taste and requirement of the consumer, with a vast arrays of colour options available.
  • One of the most important benefits of the doors for buyers is the high level of security that they provide the property. They are made out of a very strong structure with a laminated glass finish, meaning they are extremely difficult to be broken into.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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