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Boost your Android Phone with these 5 tricks

You just bought a new Android phone and it is terrifying to realize after a few months that it is not as fast as it used to be earlier. This issue has been occurring not only in budget phones, but some high-end mobile phones also tend to show their age over time. Although you can buy a brand new phone at extremely low prices through, but then you have to go through the hassle of backing up and transferring data. Before you decide to buy a new mobile device, try these simple tricks to get back your Android phone operating at full speed.

#1 Delete or Clear Cached Data

The most common way to speed up your phone is to clear cached data. Cached data contain information from certain apps to help them boot up more rapidly. But, if your mobile phone is running low on memory, then cached data will hurt more than helping. Therefore, clear all the cached data to free up some storage. Go to phone Settings>Storage>tap on Cached Data>tap OK to clear it.

Remove Any ‘Task Killer’ Apps You Have Installed

Android is pretty efficient in managing its own memory. Using task killing apps can make other apps slow to start. When an app is left midway, Android tries to run it in the background by supplying the memory it needs, but task killers actually kill the app. Then, it takes more time for an app to start and even uses more battery. If you start an app that needs more space, Android will automatically kill the apps that are less important to free up memory.

#3 Remove or Disable Any Unused Apps

New phones are always integrated with pre-installed apps from the phone manufacturer or carrier. The good thing is you can uninstall or disable most of the applications if you are not using them. Also, look out for apps on your device that you have installed and not using them for months or years. They all consume space and end up slowing down your phone. Go to Settings>Apps to see the list of all the applications.

#4 Disable Animations

Animations make all the transitions and interactions done with your phone look smoother. But, when your phone starts to slow down, these animations appear like a disrupted motion video. If animations are not working well anymore, switching them off will free up a little processing power and makes everything seems faster. Just go to Developer Options>Window animation scale>tap Animation off

#5 Optimise Chrome Browser

This particular trick helps in boosting up browsing speed. Locate ‘Data Saver’ option in Chrome and enable it. Enabling Data Saver will not only help in speeding up browsing, but also in saving some data if you don’t have an unlimited data pack active on your phone. In Data Saver mode, Google will compress the pages and media content so that less data is consumed and the pages load faster.

Now just try all these tricks and let us know how much they helped in improving the performance of your phone.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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