Mostly Everything

Supercharging Social Media with OneCore Social

Social media marketing is one of the most integral parts of modern brand management. A good social media campaign needs to target the proper people, be visually appealing, and engage the audience in a meaningful conversation. This can be a very difficult endeavor, but there is plenty of help out there to those who need it. The OneCore Social media services department is available to provide all the assistance that a business needs to thrive in the modern social media environment.


Developing Your Strategy


The first step you will take when working with your social media marketing team is to develop a comprehensive strategy. OneCore Social does not take a one size fits all approach to marketing. Instead, your social media strategy is tailored specifically to your individual company and your business objectives. This provides more flexibility and allows for a greater degree of efficiency. By creating a targeted social media strategy, you get to ignore posts and analytics that have no bearing on your business. This means that everything that does get used serves as specific purpose that will help your bottom line. The final plan has plenty of detail and uses reports targeted to information you want to see.


The Value of Analytics


Analyzing data from your social media feeds is the key to making sure that you get the results you want. You can be as active as you want and still lack the impact you are looking for if you go into your marketing plan blind. That is why OneCore Social involves a number of different analytic and training services. That way, you know what you need to look for and what the data means. In addition to providing detailed analysis on the success of individual posts, ads, and other measurable data, OneCore also uses social listening technology. Social listening tracks social media conversations about your brand, even if you wouldn’t normally see it on your feed. That way, you know how the online conversation is going.


Getting Trained on Social Media


The average digital marketing agency focuses more on providing a solid product than on making sure their clients can handle social media marketing in the future. This is fine as a short-term solution, but it doesn’t help a company that needs to move its marketing in-house down the road. OneCore Social provides not only the great service you need but also training for your internal marketing teams to use social media effectively. The partnership then becomes less of a one-time service and more of a relationship that allows both companies to grow. The better you become at social media marketing, the greater the achievement for OneCore.


Social media marketing is one of the best ways to grow your brand and introduce it to conversations around the world. OneCore Social provides the tools you need to succeed in this endeavor and makes sure that you have the training needed to continue that success into the future. With these services, your brand will benefit from the latest in marketing technology.


OneCore Media (formerly known as ICM Consulting and Media Corp.)

1000 Finch Ave W

North York


M3J 2V5


(416) 665-2109


By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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