Mostly Everything

The Top 4 Issues That Business Management Software Helps You Avoid

As a business owner, you are aware that things can go wrong from time to time. Have you considered how the right business management software can minimize the potential for something that hurts your business to occur? Here are five of the more common problems that can be reduced or eliminated by choosing the best software for your operation.

Duplicated Data

What happens when employees enter data that is already in the system? You end up with duplicated entries that are exactly the same or just barely different enough to not be detected.

Think of what could happen if you operate a health club or fitness center and one of your employees signs up a new member. That’s great until the client wants to book a session with a private trainer and another employee can’t find the customer profile. In order to take care of the client right now, the second employee creates another profile.

Later on, it’s discovered that the issue was couple of letters transposed in the client’s last name. Now the two profiles have to be combined or you will not have an accurate record of what that client has and has not decided to register for in the way of classes or personal training sessions. Instead of facing this situation, integrated software that makes searches easier will help eliminate this type of event.

Scheduling Errors

You have clients who like to book massages once or twice a week. Your current software does not include the ability to set up recurring appointments. It’s only a matter of time before a client shows up for a massage and finds out there is no therapist available.

A better approach is to invest in a system that includes WellnessLiving massage software and does make it possible to schedule recurring sessions. Taking it one step further, that system will automatically generate reminders to the masseuse and the client the day before the next schedule session. That will keep everyone happy.

Invoicing Problems

Even when most of your clients cover their membership fees with automated payments, there’s the possibility of creating an incorrect invoice if the process is completely manual. Do you want to deal with an irate customer who is charged double the usual fee this month and try to explain why this event happened?

An integrated software package that cross-references customer profiles with client activities and generates invoices based on that data will reduce invoice issues significantly. If there does appear to be any conflict, the system can flag that invoice for review and prevent it from going out until you or a member of your team checks it for accuracy. Your clients are billed correctly and everyone is a little happier.

There is no doubt that your business is growing. Keep things going in the right direction by investing in business management software for health clubs with the right checks and balances built into the system. Doing so will keep your business records in top condition, ensure your clients are happy, and prevent quite a few issues from arising.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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