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Best Art Stops on the Planet for the Art Lovers

The taste of art and architecture is something that you have to acquire over time. But, once you reach that stage when you find them interesting or full of mystery, you can go to the extent of travelling around the world just to see and admire the works of famous painters. Most importantly, if you have the habit of travelling to different places, then you will definitely be on the lookout for art galleries and museums all over the planet to get the glimpses of renowned art works. But it is not a cakewalk to know about the finest art stops scattered across the globe. So, we are listing out some of the best art stops around the world which are meant for the art lovers.

Ashmolean Museum – If you are in UK and been to Oxford, then it is a must to visit the famous Ashmolean Museum which is nothing less than a treat for any art lover. It is the first university museum in the world and has the works of the famous Chinese artist Liu Dan and that too in contemporary ink. Can’t believe what you just read, right? Visit the museum and see for yourself what wonders it has in store for the art lover craving within you.

Van Gogh Museum – Even a kid these days know who Van Gogh is and his range of works. When in Amsterdam using the Expedia India, it is a must to visit all the three buildings where all the works of Van Gogh has been kept. The buildings are New Entrance Hall, the Kurokawa Wing and the Rietveld Building. There are exhibitions throughout the year on Van Gogh’s work. So, always be on the lookout for such events while you are in this city.

Electric Ladyland – Another masterpiece hidden in the city of Amsterdam, this is more of a modern art form and will bring a new dimension to the traditional art style. This is quite an innovative art museum and the fluorescent art will surely be something new to experience. Take out sufficient time from your itinerary to visit this museum as there are a plenty of things to see and experience.

Aidan Meller Gallery – Those who have a knack towards contemporary, modern and old master art, Aidan Meller Gallery is the place to be. It is positioned right on the busiest streets of Oxford; so the chances of not finding the gallery are next to impossible. You will be surprised to see the rarest works of great world-renowned artists like Elisabeth Frink, Henry Moore and Barbara Hepworth. Exhibitions take place occasionally in this gallery and these are must attend events for the art lovers.

Allard Pierson Museum – Art and architecture is sometimes charming and sometimes surreal and you will feel both when you are at Allard Pierson Museum. This museum has artifacts that date back to 10,000 BC and there is so much to see and learn from this museum. Pierson has made some of the best plaster collections that the world has ever seen and you can actually see them in front of your eyes while you are in this place. The original color projections together with touch-sensor scale models will just blow your mind away.

These are some of the treasured places when it comes to art and architecture. If you have that passion towards art and want to learn more about it, then do visit these museums and galleries as soon as possible availing the coupons SaveMyPocket. These are not only a treat to the eyes, but food for the soul and also something to cherish for a lifetime.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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