Mostly Everything

9 Greatest SEO Tips for Your Website

If you have already chosen the right key words for your SEO campaign, do not rush into writing the whole content at once as you still have a few choices to make. Here are several things that you need to carefully think about.

First of all, before begin doing anything you must perfectly understand the following:

What your website is about;

What the purpose of your website is;

How committed you are.

After you have answered these three important questions, the time to get to work comes.

SEO Tips
1. Make your website about only one thing
Of course, you can add some extra information about your topic, but experts from Toronto SEO Company insist that the whole website must have a single idea which will be the most essential to your message. As this is a very important step, you might want to do some keyword research before choosing the general topic.
2. Mention keywords only where they matter most
You need to include your “single idea” in the website’s title, domain name, tagline, description, keywords, page titles, blog categories, and page content.
3. Link to internal pages on your website
Most content management systems do this automatically, but if yours does not, then you will definitely want to be intentional about linking important pages directly to the homepage and then cross-linking them with each other.
4. Use a permalink structure with keywords.
A lot of websites today unfortunately have “ugly” permalink structures which use numbers in order to identify pages. Do not do this mistake! It is really awful for SEO and neither looks nor feels good.
You need to use a URL structure which includes text, and always make sure to include keywords in your URLs.

So make sure that instead of this:

you will do this:

5. Remove everything that slows down your website
Page load time is very important, so you need to get rid of any non-essential information, such as useless plugins, images and flash graphics, or music players that bog down your website.
6. Use keywords in your images
Name the images of your website with the keywords, use them in the images’ title, description, and any alt attributes.
7. Link to other websites with relevant content
This can be easily done by including a link list, blogroll, or resources page on your website.
With no doubt, you should do it sparingly because each outbound link is a “vote” for another website. However, if you do it well enough and people click on your links, this will tell all search engines that you are a trusted authority in your field.
8. Frequently update your website
Websites with dynamic content always rank higher if compared to those with static content. That is why blogs and various directories do so well on search engines.
9. Have other websites linked to you
According to specialists from OneCore Marketing Company in Toronto this is extremely important, when it comes to SEO. The bummer is that it is not something you necessarily need to control. For the purpose of getting these “shares” you need to simply create good relevant content and sometimes you may even ask other websites’ owners to do so.



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By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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