
Three Essentials for Your Business Phone

Globalization and international business stops for no one. It’s clear that if you want to be taken seriously as competition for other business in the market you occupy, you need to be ready to make sacrifices. Being available as often as possible without exhausting yourself and making sure that you’re always up to date with any new developments and ideas are just two of several items that should be on your to-do list. Even those of you who aren’t high up on the executive ladder are likely to find yourself doing a few things for work on your smartphone while grocery shopping. While it’s difficult to make specific recommendations on apps for a broad scope of people, here are some basics that will definitely streamline your work-life without consuming your private time.

Cloud Storage
Working in a team is incredibly relieving, especially when faced with larger projects. However, it makes everyone dependent on each other. Although regular team meetings should clear up communication errors or confusion about the current status of all tasks, it can still be nerve-wracking when you desperately need to know how your colleague’s contribution looks, especially if your own task is based on what they are doing. Cloud storage apps make everything accessible to everyone and aren’t bound to hardware. If you need to take your work home with you, you don’t need to worry about losing the data stick and just access the stored files online. There are several different cloud storage apps with various features, so you’ll definitely find the one suitable for you.

Conferencing Apps
Phone and video conferences aren’t an invention of the new millennium. Making them independent from your office hardware on the other hand, is. If you’re working on an international level, which is very highly likely, at some point you might have to communicate with individuals or groups on the other side of the globe. Solving the issue of finding an agreeable time for all time zones is relatively easy, but if you get the short end of the stick and need to be available at an ungodly hour, you don’t want to be all alone in your office to do it. This is where conferencing apps for smartphones and tablets come in. After all, it’s much nicer to have face to face communication with someone from another country when you’re enjoying the comfort of your own home, rather than alone in a sterile office.

Multi-Feature Organizers
Being organized could be considered as half of your work already done. While having a timetable and calendar is enough for some, others might need additions, such as to-do lists, filing systems, memos and important papers attached to the appointment they’re required for. There’s a vast amount of organizer apps, but the majority of them have the same basic features. Those which have a greater repertoire of functions usually are also available for your laptop or computer, thus making synchronizing between your smartphone, office, and home possible. Additionally, you can share in others on spaces, like a to-do list for a team, so you can keep track of everything without writing out mails or calling to check in.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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