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Ascension: Storm of Souls Released for iOS

For fans of Ascension, this needs no explanation. But for the uninitiated, Ascension is one of the world’s most popular deck building games created by by Justin Gary and the third expansion second expansion is due out as an in-app purchase, estimated to launch next week.

If you’re looking for a new game for your iPad or iPhone that can be enjoyed competitively or casually, Ascension would be one of my top recommendations for a number of reasons: if you were a fan of Magic the Gathering, do know that pro-tour players led by Justin Gary developed Ascension as a more cost-effective alternative because you don’t shell out money for individual cards. Everything is bought in a sealed deck and you know exactly what cards you’re getting.

Casually, Ascension on the iOS platform is well-made and intuitive. If you’re coming from the left into this genre, the tutorial can get you learned and competitive in minutes. The app has dropped price from USD $4.99 to USD $0.99 so that’s more than enough reason to grab a copy. The first expansion, Ascension: Return of the Fallen can be bought via an in-app purchase as well. Storm of Souls will follow the same in-app format.

Download Links:

Ascension: Chronicle of the Godslayer USD $0.99

Both Ascension: Return of the Fallen and Storm of Souls are available as in-app purchases. For current Ascension owners, there is an update available on the App Store that allows you to purchase the expansion and adds a number of little features to the core game.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

6 replies on “Ascension: Storm of Souls Released for iOS”

hi jayvee,

i’m interested in getting a deck building game for my ipad2. i’m torn between in getting ascension and nightfall for ios. i know both are highly enjoyable (based on your reviews) but being a newbie at deck building games (i have 0 knowledge about before reading your articles), i was wondering if you you can help me out? i use to play magic back in highschool and college and have enjoyed it. i guess i’m looking at something similar in terms of gameplay. thanks for your time and kudos to a great site!

Hi jonax,

Definitely go for Ascension. Nightfall has a steeper learning curve which can get rather confusing (the phases are a bit complicated). In fact up until now I still get confused with how everything resolves in Nightfall, which is the reason why I got the version for iOS (the computer resolves the turns).

Also, Ascension is at $0.99 universal! Get it =) Then download the 2 expansions! add me up on GameCenter. Username is “lolmowering”

Thank you for the kind words!

that’s awesome! thanks for the great suggestion jayvee. will definitely download ascension now. looking forward to learning it! i’ll definitely add you up at game center. thanks again!

how can i crack strom of souls for free …i have chronicle of godslayer!!! can any 1 share the cracked ipa????

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