Mostly Everything

Indie Games from the Karlo Licudine aka The Accidental Rebel

Karlo Licudine used to do a lot of professional blogging before. Most of you may know him as Karlo “Pinoyblogero” while others may know him more as that young talented guy who creates great CSS templates for several companies. I’ve always been in touch with Karlo for various projects these past 2 years and on the side I’d visit his site to see what’s been up.

For those who don’t know, Karlo has shelved his “Pinoyblogero” persona and is now busy as the Accidental Rebel, developing local video games for the PC, Mac and Linux.

Check out RESCUE SUPPORT, a game he made for LudumDare #21. He made this game in 16 hours following this year’s theme of “ESCAPE.”

This game is my entry to Ludum Dare #21, a widely known rapid game making contest on the internet where participants need to create a game solo in 48 hours. The theme for this contest is “Escape”.

Play it here. I found it fascinatingly addicting and was amazed at what Karlo was able to do in less than a day. He’s planning on improving it of course but he’s got the core mechanics down — it got me hooked for more than 10 minutes.

Or check out this demo for a Jose Rizal themed mystery / adventure game done Phoenix Wright style. It’s called Detective Rizal and the Jaded Ruby.

This is a game I’m working on for the “Jose Rizal is in a Video Game” competition. It’s a tribute to the 150th year of Jose Rizal.

Detective Rizal and the Jaded Ruby is an adventure game with a mystery/detective concept inspired by the Phoenix Wright series and Detective Conan Anime.

In game music for trailer and game by Jerel Limayo.

There’s a demo which you can download as well.

In any case, I’d suggest browsing his site. He’s got other stuff including The Pacifist (platformer) and Trapped in Time (top down shooter). It’s good to know that we’ve got passionate local talent here trying to start something on their own. Supporting him is easy. Share his site. Play his games. Give great feedback and cheer him on!

Keep up the good work, Karlo!

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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