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Department of Tourism budgets PHP 20,000,000 for Tourism Website

Invitation to Bid DOT

[Clearer PDF here]

The Department of Tourism (DOT) has released an invitation to bid for a PHP 20,000,000.00 contract for website to be used for promoting tourism in the Philippines.

Name of Project: Development, Maintenance, Online Marketing and Promotions of the Philippine Department of Tourism Website

Brief Description: To establish an interactive website designed to promote the Philippines as a prime destination that offers world-class tourist facilities and products.

I highly doubt the PHP 20,000,000 will go to the site alone as many of my peers have come up with amazing project proposals for much less. I think it includes the site promotion efforts as well. In any case, I hope the DOT will on board a lean and forward thinking group to do this. Sana wag din silang gumamit ng flash. Wow.

Here’s a tip for a component: A crowd-sourced SCUBA portal for the Philippines. Crowdsourcing guys. That’s the key to this!

I’m excited to see the shortlist!

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

5 replies on “Department of Tourism budgets PHP 20,000,000 for Tourism Website”

No flash, No shame.

They should never embed any flash, it slows down the browser, and lags sometimes.

Seriously?! Php20M for a website?or maybe the breakdown will be as follows:

Php 100,000.00 – Website Designer & Developer
19,900,000.00 – to be distributed amongst thieves

They better come up with a better tag line! It’s really quite unfortunate that people in the government see this project as a cash cow for their own personal interests. A lot of us Filipinos would like to help DOT out pro bono!

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