Mostly Everything

Off to Barcelona for Mobile World Congress 2011

Dear readers,

I leave tomorrow night for Barcelona, Spain to attend Mobile World Congress 2011. For the unfamiliar and non-geeks, let’s just say that if the fashion industry has Fashion Week, us nerds have Mobile World Congress (formerly known as GSM Conference).

In the same way that fashion week is a gathering of designers and brands to dictate what’s in and what’s not, MWC ’11 is a gathering of all the telcos and phone manufacturers around the world to unveil everything that will be launched in 2011. If it’s got a SIM card or a data plan, it’s in MWC.

Conferences and product launches in the morning, cocktails and parties in the evening. I’ll be covering the floor together with Andi Manzano of Magic 89.9. So apart from daily summaries which you can read here, I’ll also be Tweeting (follow @jayvee on Twitter) and updating Facebook from the floor. You can also view global updates using the hashtag #MWC2011.

On Wednesday late afternoon (exact time to be confirmed) I will also be on live video via Flippish to do a mid-week wrap up of the events thus far. Since it will be live, feel free to join the Flippish chatroom so we can discuss the new products and services that are being unveiled.

Wish me luck! In my next post, I’m going to show you the gadgets I’m packing to cover the floor live.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

12 replies on “Off to Barcelona for Mobile World Congress 2011”

OMG Jayvee! I truly envy you! It was always a dream of mine to attend such gatherings! For sure, just like in CES last month, there will really be a lot of awesome new reveals for MWC. Please take a look out for that new Galaxy from Samsung, the PSP Phone from SE, and I’ve also heard that LG has something to unveil? Something to do with 3D display on a phone that needs no glasses. 🙂

Best of luck Jayvee! Have fun and bring home the bacon! =D

Grabe sir…mganda siguro sa barcelona…ano kya job mu sir???wonder lg ako bkit kayo umaatend sa mga gnyan…gusto ko dn kasi mka atend2 mga ganyan in the future pg professional na..hahaha…

Nice, you’re attending MWC. Can’t wait WP7 news. 🙂 Konti lang ata tayo na naka WP7 dito. Good luck and enjoy

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