Mostly Everything

Pipeline in front of Imperial Palace in Cebu spewing a lot of crap

In my recent dive trip to Mactan, I noticed a pipeline running parallel to the shore of resorts lining the coastline. This was easily at 10 – 15 ft. Apparently, this is a sewage pipe. If you’re active on Facebook you may have noticed a photo going around the diving circles of a crack in the pipe in front of Imperial Palace Waterpark Resort and Spa. Based on the comments it seems that the pipeline has been spewing s#!t (literally) since April 2010. The resort owner has already been contacted but nothing has still been done. I learned from the comments that the mayor has already issued a cease and desist order for the hotel operations but from latest inspection, they are still operation. This leaking pipe of excrement presents a huge health risk. It’s also gross.

I’m not sure how chain of responsibility works when it comes to this sort of operation, but it is very disturbing. Cebu bloggers, please help with the pressure. We tried posting on their FB wall but it is heavily filtered. Have them take initiative to fix this pipe for everyone’s sake.

Discussion here.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

9 replies on “Pipeline in front of Imperial Palace in Cebu spewing a lot of crap”

Wow that’s worrying o_o someone should take some responsibility and do something about it before it destroys the delicate eco environment the pipe is in.

hopefully the local government of cebu takes care fo this soon. it will not only hurt the tourism of cebu but as well as the ecosystem in the ‘affected area’

Ew. Ok, that’s disturbing. I love Cebu (because I am half-Cebuana) and I haven’t visited for quite some time. It’s a lovely place so I can’t believe something like this is still unchecked. 🙁

i am a cebuano, and some of my friends and former classmates work there. when i posted this on my facebook wall, i earned their wrath. 🙂

i guess there are some close-minded person and there are some who are responsible enough to clean up their backyards.

i love Imperial Palace Resort that is why i have high expectations on them.

@Jayvee: can you please point me as to the link of that news that says it’s been taken cared of? ty.

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