Mostly Everything

Marck is awesome so I will post his Netbooster / Globe press release information

There are only two kinds of press releases.

There are press releases … and then there are PRESS RELEASES sent by Marck Ronald Rimorin. I like him. I think many people on the Internet do. He has long hair: shinier and more well kept than most females I know. He has a girlfriend. So girls … don’t try anything kinky funny.

Other people ask “hey can you post this on your blog?” and I say OK let’s see! But when Marck asks me to post something, I go “Yes Sir.” I call him sir. It is a sign of respect. Although I am older, in his presence he defies the notion that wisdom comes with age. So it is a good thing for his employers that he works there, because he can definitely make anyone post a press release. And he does so with what the French call savoir faire.

This is Marck. His children will be as countless as the stars. His “Marck” is spelled with a “C” which stands for “See, I’m Marck Ronald Rimorin BIATCH!”


So here it is, the Press Release of Marck Ronald Rimorin: Globe is launching the iPhone 4 and there will be booths around the Metro allowing the general public to tinker with it. You can use the iPhone. You can take photos of the iPhone. You can take photos with the iPhone. You can take photos with Marck too. There will be Foursquare. There will be big money, big prizes.

September 24-26 and October 1-3 at Glorietta 3, Lower Level, leading to Landmark.
September 24, Greenbelt 1 lobby
September 25 and 26 at Greenbelt 3 main lobby
October 1-3 at Greenbelt 3 lobby

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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