Mostly Everything

Preparing for Malapascua

I’ll be going on a much anticipated trip to Malapascua by the end of the week. Threshers,Mantas and Mandarin fish (mating) await! Here’s an email detailing the proposed itinerary for 10 dives. There’s an error in the time between Bogtong Bato and the second Monad Shoal dive on day one as it didn’t take surface interval time into consideration.

Dive itinerary proposed by Evolution
“On your arrival day I am going to suggest we let you relax a little rather then jumping straight in so how about we start your diving day with an 830am dive at Monad. We like to go there as all the boats have left after the 530am dive and we think there is a spike of activity then. The sharks do spend less time on the stations but we still see them. I took customers there this week and we got shark, Manta and 20 plus Devil Rays so everyone was happy.

Then we can dive again at 11am – perhaps a local dive site like Bogtong Bato for great macro. In the afternoon we can do another macro dive or if the group prefers go back to Monad for more Manta hunting. Then you can do the Mandarin fish dive at 5pm.”

On Day Two I suggest 5am for Monad Shoal, followed by a day trip to the Dona Marylin and Gato Island (apply fuel surcharge of 350/person). I really think they are worth doing. Then we can do a night dive at Bantigue Bay at 630 and get back in time for beer and food!

On your last day I think its 5am Thresher dive again and a 930 dive on one of our local Macro sites – Lapus Lapus or Gilleano.

830 Monad Shoal
1100 Bogtong Bato
1200 Monad Shoal
1730 Lighthouse (Mandarin Dive)

0500 Monad Shoal
0900 Day Trip Dona Marylin / Gato (+350/person fuel surcharge)
1830 Night Dive Bantigue Bay

0500 Monad Shoal
0930 Gileano or Lapus Lapus

On an ending note, I’d really love to level up my conversation with the video lens into what these guys are doing with their commentary:

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

3 replies on “Preparing for Malapascua”

We’ll be visiting Malapascua 2 weeks from now. We won’t do diving though but it’s good to know and at least see through the videos the amazing creatures that reside near the island. 😀

How’s Malapascua overall?

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