Mostly Everything

Photos of Apo Reef, Sablayan

Brought down two rigs for our weekend dive at Apo Reef with Cebu Pacific and the WWF. These are shots taken by Mark Limchoa from the WWF on a Sony W300. I had my video rig. In post, I turned the shots into B&W and boosted some contrasts to remove the blue fuzz and add drama from Mark’s. Great turnout! If you want to see the rest of the set, click on to read more.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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