Mostly Everything

X-mini II Capsule Speaker vs Generic “Greenhills” Speaker

An odd comparison, but still!


Teehee. Check out the XMI X-mini speaker I won at a media raffle. The X-mini II is a small and compact speaker that connects to any device with a 3.5mm jack. The capsule twists and folds out to reveal an accordion diaphragm (it’s called the Bass Xpansion System or BXS for short). I can see why this thing won a Red Dot design award in 2008. It’s sleek. The X-mini charges via USB with a claimed battery life of 30 hours. One thing I failed to show in the demo, for lack of another X-mini, is the feature to link several of these together to form a wall of sound. The X-mini retails for about USD .00. For the X-Mini’s older brother, check out the X-Mini Max II.



Now let’s compare it to this P250.00 portable speaker I bought a few weeks ago. I don’t even think it has a name: ST-01 is the product code? It’s … well. Aesthetically, it’s really just a hodgepodge of stuff put together and painted matte black. Turning it on, I was greeted by flickering disco lights. So it isn’t just a speaker: It’s a portable party (!!!). This speaker charges using any of the two types of Nokia chargers (LOL) widely available in the market. Battery life is at two hours.



Here’s a video I made demonstrating the audio quality we get from both of these little things.

Hands down, the X-mini II comes out as the definitive winner in terms of features, but come on for P250.00, you can forgive the generic speaker. Not bad at all. This is a Christmas gift you can give to all your friends with the sticker of your company or website. Technology is cheap.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

5 replies on “X-mini II Capsule Speaker vs Generic “Greenhills” Speaker”

Nice review. If you would like to receive updates and samples of the new range of the X-mini Capsule Speakers, please do contact me.

Warmest regards,
Frederick Yao
Xmi Pte Ltd
X-mini Capsule Speakers
(65) 9152 45 45

Hi jayvee!

I was wondering where did u bought that ST-01 speaker/disco lights speaker? It looks cool. My friends would definitely like it! ^_^

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