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Espele Sales: “Books are non educational” (Updated)

UPDATE II: Marvic Leonen, Dean of UP Law School is going to be filing a legal case and needs all the evidence he can get. If you have a receipt from the post office or customs, which proves that they asked you to pay tax for books imported from abroad, please gather them up and send an email to chingbee(dot)cruz(at)gmail(dot)com [source]

UPDATE: Dennis Gonzalez, NBDB Chairman writes about the blockade as being illogical and illegal.

Reading this today made my blood boil. Let me quote:

The treaty has provided for duty-free importation of books to guarantee the free flow of “educational, scientific, and cultural materials” between countries and declared that imported books should be duty-free.

But Sales reportedly brushed off this argument, saying novels and reading books are “not educational.”

The imposition of duties on foreign books has caused book importers to reconsider future importations due to higher importation costs for the books.

If there is truth in her unbridled statement, then I fear that all my life, I have wasted my time reading books, thinking that I would have received what she apparently does not see as “education.” Let me show you what the Bureau of Customs sees as non-educational:








We literally have thousands of books scattered across the house (oh, some of those books in the photos actually belong to this guy). We have one room that was fabricated to house the family collection, which will be inherited by my children’s children’s children. And so on. The prized collection includes annals of National Geographic, Reader’s Digest and original silver age comics from Marvel and DC which my dad bound into several volumes.

But apparently, these are all worthless in developing the human character: BOC’s Sales says books are non educational.

I wrote an update for The Blog Herald — the Philippine blogosphere uses Twitter and David Archuleta’s media clout to voice the ire over the Great Book Blockade.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

26 replies on “Espele Sales: “Books are non educational” (Updated)”

I drool at your sequential art stuff.

How dare she say the X-Men are not educational! I learned a few Russian and German words from the X-Men! Also, the word “megalomaniac”.

Obviously the BOC and Ms. Sales are only after money and are truly uneducated.

When I get back into the gym tomorrow, I’ll remember that name when I hit the heavy bags 🙂

I’m sorry – her comment fills me with so much rage.


well, just like a non-blogger despising a blogger, he’s obviously not a book worm or might as well haven’t read any books himself. education can be achieved in many fronts, even outside the confines of school.

Her name should have been suspicious enough as it sounds like sales, meaning things sold. meaning money that can be had. 😀

And people here lament the declining lack of English proficiency skills…! No wonder, if good books are not being allowed in! >.<

Either that Espele Sales is the most stupidest person on the planet OR the greediest.

It’s already certain that she is a classic, philistine.

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