Mostly Everything

Defacto Jeans Limited Edition Pouches

About a week ago I was taking the escalator from a meeting at The Podium when a lady tapped me behind the shoulder,

“Excuse me, but did you just come from Viktor jeans?”

Quick to realize that she was looking at my super sexy black jeans (it’s these but color black; love the iPod / cellphone slot on the sides), I replied (excitedly – because this was the first time someone ever started a conversation with me because of fashion sense),

“Ah, no. Sorry but these are my custom made Defactos.”

After stepping off the escalator she explained how she thought I came from Viktor and got that pair, as they were closed for lunch. I told her that this was the 4th pair of jeans from Tats Paman and Tanya Blay, and not only are they really good custom jeans, they’re also more affordable. Ever since my first pair of Defactory Jeans back in 2007, I’ve never bought denims off the shelf from a department store. Really.

I dropped by Defacto yesterday to pick up my latest pair. I wanted something that was a tad bit of shiny when the light hit it at an angle and this is what they gave me:

Hot! It took me 30 minutes to “build” this pair with the guys at the store and I’m really happy with the turnout. They also let me take home (for free!) three limited edition stitched Defacto pouches for your cellphone, iPod or any gadget that fits. There are two compartments in the pouch – a padded area for your device and another for accessories. The limited edition pouches are given to loyal customers because Defacto is celebrating their 2nd year anniversary!.

As of today, I have had 6 pairs of Defacto Jeans made! Anyone who’s been around me for a while knows how passionate I talk about this brand of custom jeans. Today, a pair starts at P1,800.00 and can go as high as P3,000++. I’ve stuck to jeans with basic cuts to save costs – they’re still very nice. They usually take 5 to 7 days to make. To order, you need to do a downpayment of 50% and choose the style, seams and material. That’s the fun part!

I’ll deliver one of these pouches to your doorstep!

So yay! I decided to raffle off one of these pouches to my readers! This contest is eligible to anyone from the Philippines with the pouch mailed to your doorstep via 2Go (I have a crapload of these 2Go plastic bags at my home, so rather than mailing flowers to myself let’s use it for something productive and fun!).

1. To enter the raffle, all you need to do is leave a comment answering the question “What makes jeans so hot?!”

2. You can enter as many comments as you want as long as the answers are different. Please leave a valid email address in the comment field so I can contact you if you win.

3. The contest is open till 11:59 PM of September 24, 2008. I will be drawing a winner using Luck of the Draw, an application I always use for contests I run on my cellphone blog.

Also, if by chance you do not win but still want these pouches (note: as much as possible they don’t want to sell these) and other custom made attire (they also do polo shirts, vests and jackets), you can always drop by their store:

Unit 112 Mile Long Building
Amorsolo cor. Herrera St. Legaspi Village
Makati City
Email: defacto.industry at gmail dot com
Contact Numbers: 0920-4291393 // 8184708

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

19 replies on “Defacto Jeans Limited Edition Pouches”

Jeans are hot because they are comfortable and go very well with almost anything you match it with.

“What makes jeans so hot?!”
– ahehe because its “all-around” and even you have a pair of jeans its very fashionable skinny, elepant, shorts etc…i can use it everywere even girls makes so hot because of their skinny jeans that makes their figure more sexier *specially on the bums* that’s why jeans makes so hot lol~

Jeans are so hot cause you can’t wait to take them off.

HAHA Backtrack. I’m kidding. :p

It’s cause they’re practical. And even though they’re practical, they can serve to make you look REALLY hot in them.

Jeans are sexy because they are on Bubba’s butt! His butt is so hot it can solve the energy crisis!

*It’s so hard for him to find good jeans because he has big butts and he cannot lie 😛

Jeans are hot because they are comfortable and they are thick enough to protect you from most elements and yet are thin enough to allow anything covered by it to breathe. And yeah, most clothing items go well with ’em.

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