Mostly Everything

4 tips to survive the Microwarehouse Mid-Year Sale

Microwarehouse Mid Year Sale

I’ve been a yearly regular to the insane Mid-Year Microwarehouse Sale. Here are some tips I’d like to share with my readers to help manage expectations when it comes to buying that gadget you always wanted.

When: June 20-21, 2008 // Friday 12nn to 12mn // Saturday 12nn to 8pm
Where: Eastwood City (behind 7-11, beside CyberMall)

The price list is not always accurate
It has nothing to do with the prices – but with the availability of the items. In previous years, there have been complaints from people who have been waiting in line for hours and didn’t get what they want. I guess buyers should really manage their expectations with what’s out there.

It is hard to predict the movement of items. Last year, I was amazed to find a lot of leftover iPods from the sale as well as bunch of Macs. Almost all of the Apple Care plans were wiped clean as the discounts for these warranties go for about 50%. By the end of the sale, a lot of the external speaker solutions for iPods were overstocked and were selling for about P2,300.00. So yeah, you can’t really predict how things will move.

The price list for the 2008 sale is here.

Early geek catches the gadgets!
If you want the bet guarantee that you’ll get what you’re hoping for, be prepared to line up. Microwarehouse has made it more convenient each year by making the venue more comfortable and spacious even for those who are waiting in line. Last year, only a limited number of people were allowed inside the sale area at any given time so those in line could wait outside the booths. It was still very convenient as they provided chairs and the entire hall was airconditioned.

Bring cash!
Credit cards were accepted last year but it’s a no brainer that cash on hand is still best for transactions especially if you don’t want to wait in line. Withdraw cash early on and never on the venue area because by the evening, you’ll be out of items.

Pool resources
If you have friends who are going earlier than you, give them your shopping list and ask them to check on availability. I’m not sure if Microwarehouse can afford to hold items for you so it would be best to give the early bird friends your cash and have them buy for you than to wait for your turn when you do get free time. If you’re working with a 9-5 job, best to have your freelance or management level friends (they are on flexi-time!) to drop by first thing on Friday, which is 12 noon, so still – expect a lot of competition from the offices nearby. Your friends can line up early. You will expect heavy traffic by Friday lunch which will peak in the evening and on the weekend.

I hope these tips help! Most importantly, don’t forget to have lots of fun with your friends on the great deals!

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

6 replies on “4 tips to survive the Microwarehouse Mid-Year Sale”

Thanks, Jayvs, for the post ๐Ÿ™‚ I was going through the registration list last night and I saw someone wrote in the “How did you hear about us” column.

Another tip I’d like to add is to wear rubber shoes and comfy clothes ๐Ÿ˜€ I saw a girl wearing 4-inch stilletos and a skirt… Naawa ako, I just had to assist her in her rummaging, haha!

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