Mostly Everything

My 2007 in Photos (Part III)

Lourd de Veyra

A moment with Lourd de Veyra on Rock Ed Radio. Here’s a tidbit. Blog and Soul is patterned after Gang Badoy’s Rock Ed Philippines… In fact, you can go as far as saying that Blog and Soul supports Rock Ed’s advocacy which is the spirit of volunteer work.

Sacha and Clair

With Sacha Chua and Clair Ching at some of them EXIST parties. Winston Damarillo represent!

EPSON paper

Trivia: Did you know that EPSON ink is waterproof? This was a memorable lunch as the guys put bets on man versus machine — can an EPSON printer print faster than you finishing off a whole moon cake?

Rudy Project

Impact-X shades being shown off by Rudy Project. Unbreakable. “Rudy’s” son and Gabrielle, the local distributor flew over to show off how the shades are bullet proof and are used by the Italian Army for pwning bad guys. Hefty price tag too.


Every month, Enderun holds a wine tasting event. I always try to make it. Receiving email invites from the school to attend “Casual Kitchen” and other F&B related events are some of the things I look forward to every month.

Davao Bloggers

Went to Davao twice this year. The first was to observe a blogging meet up and the second was to give a talk. Enjoyed the place and the people.

Apple Leopard

Apple launches Leopard officially in the Philippines. Several days before this, Powermac holds a consumer launch with their own budget with no support from Apple. Call the company lucky. Trivia: Apple doesn’t advertise in the Philippines. Only the resellers do.

Samsung campaign

Samsung introduces itself to bloggers. They launch a wireless campaign that, from the slide above, is a parody of the iPod advetisments. They have a new line of MP3 players that come with wireless capabilities.

Steve Tsao

Steve Tsao with Joey A. and Alex V. in an interview after bagging the Granado Espada license. Months later, IPVG bags Hellgate: London. Also ran into Steve on the way home from a vacation in Kuala Lumpur.

Nokia Go:Play

Singapore, for Nokia Go:Play. Abe and myself, alongside members of Philippine media get into a sneak peek of Nokia’s new corporate direction.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

4 replies on “My 2007 in Photos (Part III)”

Congrats for a great 2007, Jayvee! You’ve reached to many milestones. It does pay to be a member of the press, isn’t it? A tita of mine who’s also connected to a newspaper tells me you guys get a dozen invites a week. Hope you have many more gigs next year.

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