Mostly Everything

Tips on Applying for the b5media Technology Channel

I’ve been receiving relatively more applications for the b5media tech channel from the past few weeks. Generally speaking, the application process is … well, “very general” for the most part. Potential authors always submit blog pitches and areas of specialty that have the words “technology”, “gadgets” and “computers” in the subject line for preferred niches. This is really great, but I’d like to give out some tips on how to make your application process more noticeable and polished. This works for tech, but I think it may also apply for the other channels as well:

1. Be very specific with your niche. Cellphone9 talks about mobile phones. New Linux User talks about Linux. Office Tweaks talks about productivity suites. Stay away from broad topics like “computers” and “technology lifestyle” and the odds that you will get hired will increase.

2. Include a potential blog title. Not only does this accelerate the brainstorming process, but it also shows how creative you are. Brainstorming blog titles is one of the most fun aspects of my job as it exercises left and right brain amalgamation by thinking up of catchy titles with some SEO component involved to make the domain friendly to search engines.

3. If your niche idea is really crazy, it would be nice to include some numbers on why you think this would all work. It makes your application process more credible and proves you to be a true master or enthusiast of your niche. A little exercise I do is compare niche topic keywords on Overture and match them with other pop culture search terms. Like try comparing “VoIP” with “Britney Spears.” Yes, believe it or not, Britney Spears is the measure of your Internet worth.

In related news, I’m currently looking to launch two new blogs for the tech channel. If you feel that you have a fantastic idea to pitch as well as join a great community of bloggers, then I’m all ears.

Please send all applications to

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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