Mostly Everything

Oh noes! Macintosh-only Trojan!

My gosh! I am speechless! This can only mean that the Macintosh’s market share is really increasing, putting Mac users at an awkward position for attacks. This is the inevitable turnout for these sorts of things.

Miscreants have released a sophisticated Trojan into the wild that targets Mac users, according to Intego, a company that markets security software that runs on OS X.

The malicious Trojan, dubbed OSX.RSPlug.A, is making the rounds on several porn websites. When Mac users try to view some videos, the site feeds them a page that says QuickTime is unable to play the file unless a special codec is installed first. If the user proceeds, a form of DNSChanger is installed that hijacks some web requests sent to eBay, PayPal and some banking websites, according to this write-up from Intego. [Oh noes!]

Such is the price of beauty!

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

6 replies on “Oh noes! Macintosh-only Trojan!”

The only reason the mac platform remains “secure” is because it isn’t really profitable to write trojans and worms for their small niche as opposed to writing malicious programs for the bulk of windows users. Apple wasn’t just in their sights – well until now. Dunnnduunnnndduuuuuuunnnnn!

Somehow. I feel a disturbance among PC users. It is a presence I have not felt in a long time.A low subdued smirk that graduates into a laugh the reverberates across the Internet. A case of schadenfreude, perhaps?

is it a real threat? my mac has no anti virus because i feel that it’s safe to download any files from the web. do you think an anti virus is really important for mac..?

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