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Nintendo Wii Firmware Update 3.1 supports USB keyboard

As the Wii at home is connected to the Internet, I received a firmware update request just moments ago. The 3.0E update allows for the use of a USB keyboard attachment to the back ports. The Wii has two USB ports which, by far are useful for charging your Lithium Ion Wiimote batteries and attaching a USB cooling fan. Any other Wii owners try attaching other USB peripherals onto the console?

The keyboard support is extended towards the Internet channel as well as the Everybody Votes channel. Apparently, keyboard support is modular for the console – meaning it doesn’t apply to ALL the channels. What’s cool though is that the new firmware update also supports Bluetooth enabled wireless keyboards. All you need to do is attach the dongle to the USB port at the back of the console and you’re ready to go!

Will we be seeing Wiimote + keyboard combo games soon?

On another note, NIntendo is also shipping free Wiimote jackets in the USA and Canada. While it may not be enough to replace those plasma screens that succumb to Wii Sports casualties, at the very least the jackets will protect your $50.00 investment. 🙂

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

12 replies on “Nintendo Wii Firmware Update 3.1 supports USB keyboard”

wow! this is great news..

i will try to update mine..
and yes, they will be having a keyboard based game soon, as i heard sometime ago.

and surfing the net using the wiikeyboard will be easier 🙂

Regardless of what modchip that was used in your unit? Sorry for being so kulit, but I just bought a Wii last night, and the guy told me to be wary of upgrading my system because the newest upgrades can render modified units useless daw.

I got the English. I was about to update it last night, but after asking Mr. Google, I found that some consoles were rendered useless. I’m assuming they’re all English units.

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