Mostly Everything

Thought: The impact of Playboy Philippines to the publishing industry

EDIT: Review of first issue here.

EDIT: Read today in the Philippine Start that Playboy Philippines will be launched on April 2 2008 at the Sofitel. The editor in chief is Beting Laygo Dolor. There will be no nudity as being daring is not a mark of success. Playboy Philippines will contain articles in good taste written by at least 5 Palanca award winners and will be very tasteful.

Though I am not updated with the rumor mill on this development, it seems that Playboy Philippines will allegedly make its way to local shores as the buzz in the industry states late this year.

Rumor or not, the scenario puts forward a lot of questions that demands a lot of answers. First, will the overused argument of “free speech” rule over the CBCP? Second, what will happen to leading men’s titles such as FHM, Maxim and UNO? Will that “raise the bar” for explicit nudity in these magazines too? Third, what exactly will Playboy Philippines have to offer? If it is going to be a “toned down” version of what Playboy is everywhere else in the world, then what’s the point of bringing in the franchise?

Was Mark Verzo correct after all when he said that Filipino males are indeed sex addicts?

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

28 replies on “Thought: The impact of Playboy Philippines to the publishing industry”

I read in jessica Zafra’s blog the Eric Ramos (founder of FHM Philippines) will be editor in chief of Playboy Philippines.

[…] Contrary to some rumors (please see comment below), Eric Ramos of FHM, Pump, and Maxim fame, will not be handling the magazine. Interestingly enough, Vince Sales, a former editor of T3 magazine, is said to be on board, but I’m not sure what position he is assuming. A simple blog search will lead you to this page where this unnamed guy was supposedly offered a position in the magazine’s creative team. Oh well, it doesn’t matter since he’s a nobody. […]

Actually, other Playboy editions aren’t as racy as the US one. In Japan and Indonesia, their girls are fully dressed! What you should remember is Playboy is not just a magazine of naked women. It’s a title filled with excellent articles and features. So perhaps the local edition will have not-so-naked women because of our so-called conservative society, but I sure hope the features are world class. Because if the features suck (never mind if the girls do), then it has no right to be called Playboy.

hi Ces, you raise a very good point. one of my concerns though is that it is very hard to bring in another foreign franchise to the philippines. it costs a fortune per month to maintain the magazine, just for the franchise fee. with several advertisers already ousted by the name of the title, it will be very hard to cover the overheads.

your thoughts?

“The Philippines will get its own edition of Playboy magazine — only without the nudity that made the US version famous, the editor-in-chief of the local edition said Thursday.

The Philippine edition will be launched on April 2 as a “mature lifestyle magazine”, said veteran journalist Beting Laygo Dolor.”

it will be just like FHM and others. nope, advertisers would still be there coz people will buy Playboy too as long as they have interesting topics. it’s not just about the girls, sometimes it’s about the gadgets and electronics and other stuff, too… (sometimes)! =p

playboy=classy nudity. there is no other more simpler formula for that. nudity with class is what makes playboy an icon. if i want to read a magazine with good articles, then i’d grab myself details or gq. or better yet, surf the internet. taking away the essence that makes playboy the magazine that became famous for,then it defeats the purpose of having playboy philippines in the first place.

ok lng mag karoon ng playboy phils. com’on open na ang pilipino sa ganitong uri ng culture…

eric ramos brought in people who screwed him and stole Playboy Philippines from him…

rene de guzman & beting dolor did their usual hatchet job and wrestled away the job from eric.

so if you want palanca award winning “integrity”… sure… buy playboy.

this magazine is totally useless. i’d rather buy the much cheaper fhm than this conservative crap. this mag should be called “prayboy”, not playboy. go ahead and pray all day but you won’t see any pussy here.


sobrang layo niya sa orig na playboy.

sobrang toned down ung contents, na mas daring pa ang fhm at iba pa.

for a premiere release, this one is not even catchy. i assume all sales will diminish for the next issue since the supporters’ expectations are not met.

playboy is a classy men’s magazine, not a shinny old piece of trash filled with articles that talk about sex. there were more men in this issue, then there were women.
i am dissapointed at this issue of playboy. playboy is known for its classy nudity, a signature of Hugh Hefner.four points i’d like to make clear.
1. grammatical errors.
2. bad editing
3. it seemed as if the publishers of the magazine were in a hurry to have it printed; such was the cause for it being mediocre.
4. more women! more women! more women!
no nudity, not playboy.

turn to page 64
“you spot her. shes with a girlfriend, shes having fun and she looks like she would rut like a scream people that she is with. what kind of oman is she?”
actual typos found in page 64. take a look-see for yourself
boycott playboy if it furthers on with its current mediocrity.
such a horrible magazine. again, dont call it playboy if theres no nudity

new chismis about Playboy. The Hef heard & saw that it was so bad… he had all the issues pulled out.

anybody out there who can confirm this?

@as it falls:

yeah i did hear about that. wrote about it as a rumor from an industry insider that needs to be confirmed. if you don’t see playboy anymore in stands, then that’s the reason 🙂

issue 1 is now golden!

heard more inside chismis.

Priscilla hated the original “Black Mamba Team” that did the photography. it was just a bunch of “feeling-photographer-fellows” who thought that they were good enough to do a magazine shoot.

But they were idiots and Priscilla was super disappointed. she specifically fixed up the famous SECOND SHOOT (on her own! go girl!) with a better and competent and REAL team. she told the staff of Playboy Philippines not to use any of the shots from the first shoot. but lo and behold… they still used the cooking magazine cover option. She was really pissed but gave up.

Poor Priscilla.

me and my friends saw a copy of the 2nd Playboy Philippines…

much better! i guess Beting & friends finally got their act together.

cover girl is Raquel Gibson. one of the Fil-Am international covergirls before. thank god the cover is finally a full body shot! it’s a shot of her on a bangka SS Raquel. much better.

although i still didn’t buy it… so i have no idea how the inside looks like. anybody out there seen the inside?

The next issue of Playboy Phil. has Raquel Gibson on the cover. I heard that the layout has improved a bit, but the main factor that made Playboy its name – nudity – is still absent.

I also found some images that point to a nude photoshoot done at the same location as Raquel’s Playboy Phil. pictorial, although I’m not sure if these nude images will be used in the magazine.

Visit my blog ( to find out more!

Apparently Mr. Ku the financier/publisher was bitchslapped by Playboy International.

That’s why the second issue (well the cover at least) is looking a million times better.

Also the current editor in chief, Beting Dolor will “resign” soon. Supposedly he won’t last beyond June or July of 2008.

Maybe the Hef though it was time to let the old dog go. HAHA!

hey does anyone want to place a bet on when Beting Dolor, the editor in chief of Playboy Philippines, will be fi… whoops… will “resign”?

i feel that August, he’ll go down in history as the fastest editor in chief in Philippines history to lose his job!


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