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Is Wowowee’s Wilyonaryo really rigged?

Videos have been circulating around the Internet on the live rigging mistake from the Wilyonaryo segment of Wowowee. You can view the longer version of the video and voice out your comments.

Honest mistake? Production error? Or really a rig?


By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

3 replies on “Is Wowowee’s Wilyonaryo really rigged?”

Alam mo, these shows are not really game shows but more of entertainment shows. Like Eat Bulaga they were set up to stir the interest of the viewers, hence easy and zany contests. Rigged? maybe and maybe not. Can it be proven? Is it criminally prosecutable or just a story to follow, And if it is would it be worth pursuing?

Or will this lead to what? 2 to 3 weeks of public outcry that will soon be forgotten. And with a little bit of spin be back in business again.

The bigger and more clearcut crime for me seems to be the event at Ultra.

Two things will make Wowowee a terminal case (i) criminal and/or civil convictions and/or (ii) the loss of money from the advertisers.

i wish they’d go after abs-cbn and that they finally fire willie. first of all, I believe gameshows are really scripted and planned otherwise, they’ll have no control over their budget. second, they could have easily solved it if willie did have genuine talent in not making in pretty obvious to the viewers.

Simply put, this was a poor (VERY POOR) attempt by willie to spin the blame. some accused wife beaters are known to do that….

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