Mostly Everything

The Art of Hibernating

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Mostly Everything

Mike Leano: Gamer, Video Games Channel Editor for b5media

I have known Mike Leano to some capacity as a fellow gamer, gaming journo (he is a member of AGJA which was founded by Joey Alarilla) as well as a behind the scenes guy in doing market research for the local video games industry. He’s quite a fun character who I bump into the oddest places.

Mike takes over as the third heir to the throne of channel editor for the b5media Video Games Channel. The announcement was made moments ago in the b5media forums and Mike has formally accepted this title.

Congratulations Mike, you’re such a geek!

Mostly Everything

New Yahoo! Messenger for Macintosh: Let the Users Decide!


There is a poll currently being conducted by the Yahoo! for Macintosh development team. Since YM for OS X has very long graduation dates between versions, the team is letting the users decide whether it deserves to be updated now or later.

I am honestly apathetic to whatever verdict they come up with as the new version of the Macintosh OS is set to be released come October. The survey results favor releasing the new version now as not a lot of people are using OS 10.3.

Mostly Everything

Elbert Cuenca has an iPhone


Ladies and gents, Elbert Cuenca, PhilMUG chairman has an iPhone. I guess to the western readers, it doesn’t really matter but to us Asians, it does. A lot. He’s not just the first person in his block, but the first consumer in the Philippines to have one.

The plan cost was $29.99. In addition, I had to sign up for a MediaNet Unlimited package $19.99 and some hidden iPhone activation fee which, with taxes, totaled $54.17. With the debit card transaction through, I got an email notification that the account is being processed, and then another one that said it was successful. A phone number and a temporary PIN code was indicated. The instruction was to reconnect the iPhone to get it activated. So I did, and viola! the phone started working.

Full discussion over at PhilMUG.

Mostly Everything

My Blog Addiction

80%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

Mingle2Online Dating

[from Yuga]

I can actually think of more questions for the quiz that can tell if you’re an addict or not, but I don’t want to further apparent addiction to blogging.

The remaining 20% of the time, I’m checking email and sleeping. 🙂