Mostly Everything

Bikini Female on Front Cover: Tatooed on Advertiser Mind?

not a bikini, but you get the drift …

I was having a beer with a friend who works for a well known consumer technology company and we were talking about how having a bikini clad female on the front cover of a Philippine publication can be a deal breaker or a deal maker for some advertisers. Obviously, for magazines like FHM and MAXIM, the statutory bikini girl is already calloused to us. But for other publications that draw the line between geek and sexy (i.e. certain technology and men’s titles), do you really need to have a bikini clad girl on the cover?

Some advertisers have a reputation to protect and will pull out their ads on magazines that dare to include photos of bikini or underwear-clad women (note that this does not include “sexy” shots of women fully clothed). So this friend tells me of certain instances when they had to pull out of some magazines that went “sexy” — even if it was just for one issue.

I have two questions now:

1. Is this HARSH?

2. If you were an EIC, would you risk an attractive bikini clad female to grace your cover in hopes that sales go up in stall purchases, with the opportunity cost of letting one advertiser go, forever?

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

5 replies on “Bikini Female on Front Cover: Tatooed on Advertiser Mind?”

Hmm. (i)For one issue maybe. If it was done repeatedly it would be properly self-justified especially and more importantly because advertisers are beast sensitive to public opinion – actual and potential. (ii)Part of it depends on your revenue model and type of newspaper – are you more ad-driven than sales driven?

in the philippines it is almost impossible to find a magazine thats driven solely by circulation figures.

one of these exceptions is FHM methinks.

I think its true elsewhere as well. A lot of magazines and dallies in the UK earn a big deal from advertisers. Formal reader surveys are one of the tools used to recruit big time advertisers. In which case reader profile becomes important – who reads your paper are they the potential client.

i imagine it was a bit rushed, and unnoticed some options that not many people discuss about. Everybody knows that the majority new smartphones have web, so why present that basic operate at its bear minimum. Scroll up scroll down zoom in zoom out. Really? which new cellphone doesnt do this? How bout talk about how the textual content rearranges itsself. Additionally the texting, very poor review. Why didnt you mention you can use the mic and textual content together with your voice? Disregarded ALOT of different extra vital options

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