Mostly Everything

Back in Cebu for ICT 2007: Day 1 at Acqua and Cowrie Cove

Tiramisu at Acqua, Shangri-La Mactan Hotel and Spa Resort

Conferences are all about food, food, and more food.

I’m at Cebu right now, staying at the Shangri-La Mactan Hotel. As a guest of Globe Telecommunications, I’ve been invited to witness ICT 2007. The conference starts tomorrow and will take up the better part of the day till Wednesday. I will be staying in Cebu from Monday to Thursday.

drinks from Cowrie Cove, Shangri-La Mactan Hotel and Spa Resort

I’m planning on live-blogging the event depending on the available wireless connection. I heard Aileen Apolo will be around too as a panelist. I brought along the Nokia N95 so I’ll also try to do some mobile podcasting / video feeds. Wish me luck.


We spent the better part of the evening having dinner at Acqua and drinks at Cowrie Cove, a neat bar overlooking the ocean. We retired early as the conference begins at 9:00 AM. Unfortunately, GMA (our country’s president) is out of town and will not be able to deliver the key not. Instead, Steve Jobs will come and talk about the iPhone that’s supposed to launch this Friday.

drinks from Cowrie Cove, Shangri-La Mactan Hotel and Spa Resort

Some speakers to note would be Christopher Beshouri, President of McKinsey & Company Philippines. He will talk about Opportunities and Threats for Asia’s Emerging ITES Industry. There’s Fostering and Funding Asian Innovation by Lawrence Hughes, Founder of Infoweapons.

Cowrie Cove, Shangri-La Mactan Hotel and Spa Resort

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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