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NY Times: Blogging (and b5media) as a Source of Jobs and the “Institutionalizing” of Blogs

The New York Times has an article on blogging as a relevant source of jobs, with a special mention of b5media Inc and CEO jeremy Wright. But beyond the job opportunities, there is something more important brewing – ‘Institutionalized Journalism 2.0.’

In his recent article on Mobile Philippines, EIC Adel Gabot points out key differences between bloggers and journalists. He says that bloggers, unlike journalists are not bound by an “institutional check” which could be dangerous in the long run. I fully agree with this statement as I have mentioned that bloggers are … bloggers because they enjoy that certain “freedom” and spontaneity, unlike journalists who are subjected to layers of editors and time before an article sees the light of publishing. It is a function of prudence and what you get when you have a working institution.

However, this is subject to change.

With offshore blogging becoming a potentially huge source of income, the boom will create business opportunities in the mainstream. In the same way that the call center industry in the PH and in India were “emerging industries” back in the early 2000’s, “emerging” media such as blogs, podcasts and online video can become institutionalized not just by traditional media-turning-new media networks but by startup companies (such as b5media, the new media network I work for) that can take media to the next level. The formula is simple. You only need to pirate a few good editors and journalists, ask them to work from home and train people via VoIP and email, and potentially, $12,000 USD:

Guy Kawasaki illustrates this as how he has started a project for a fraction of the cost of what it would traditionally take to build a company back in the days:

$12,107.09. In total, I spent $12,107.09 to launch Truemors. During the dotcom days, entrepreneurs had to raise $5 million to try stupid ideas. Now I’ve proven that you can do it for $12,107.09

This isn’t a race to the moon. I feel that the “battle” of traditional media and new media shouldn’t even be considered because clearly, there are just so many advantages on both sides. It won’t be long when online journalism and blogging will take a more institutionalized stance because this is the inevitable end of making money. There has to be some form of checks and balances. Traditional media will always have its market (and as they jokingly say, as long as you have pets, there will always be the need for newspapers) but its also the realization of wanting to have all your bases covered – in cyberspace and in the real world.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

8 replies on “NY Times: Blogging (and b5media) as a Source of Jobs and the “Institutionalizing” of Blogs”

And may I add: grammar and style. Since there won’t be any editors, one has to have a solid background in English grammar and style.I have always believed that form and substance should go together.
And yes, I am willing to lend my bulky Chicago Manual and NYT style book to anyone who is really keen on learning. Of course, the diligent blogger who knows his way around the Net has a whole range of tutorials at his fingertips.

I’ve always asked of my interviewees whether blogging should be taught in school and the emerging consensus is ‘no.’ On hindsight, a pool of trained and educated bloggers would indeed mean a crowded market for present-day probloggers.

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