Mostly Everything

Mobile Blogging Is Like Wearing a Scuba Suit in the Mall

Because a few a-listers have carried over the topic of mobile blogging to their blogs I decided to join the bandwagon because first off, this was the question addressed to me and Marc Macalua after our talk at iBlog 3.

Moblogging or mobile blogging is very similar to wearing a scuba outfit while walking in the mall. No one’s prepared for that kind of thing yet. No one sees the obviously inherent value to mobile blogging at this point in time. Remember my analogy about how children have developmental stages of play? It is pretty much the same thing as social media. There is a strong stress on the word “social” here because, according to Malcolm Gladwell, the point has yet to tip. It is true that not all cellphone users are bloggers, but it is even more true that there is still no need for this type of technology – blogging from the cellphone has been overly shadowed by blogging from your laptop. It’s easier and more comfortable. In fact, in its strictest sense, that is already mobile blogging – it is blogging using a wireless connection regardless of using a laptop or a mobile phone. Same analogy goes to podcasting – you don’t necessarily need an iPod to listen to a podcast.

As for the topic on moblogging as a platform for pornography, well this is really expected! Porn is everywhere! It’s on video, audio and print. It’s practically the epitome of social media at its best, though not in a moral sense. Wherever there is a chance for social contact, there will always be porn.

Also, blogging from your cellphone, unless it is a photo blog, will mitigate your journalist appeal because it will be so much harder to type out a whole paragraph using a numerical keypad.

On the other side of the coin, there is actually a very powerful advertising opportunity for mobile blogging. Because the cellphone has such a small screen, it will be easier to confuse entice readers to click on advertisements because you would have to scroll down per block of text rather than navigate via mouse. The chances for you to click on ads are greater.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

13 replies on “Mobile Blogging Is Like Wearing a Scuba Suit in the Mall”

I tested Gblog when it was still new. I figured it was cool when one is in a deserted beach resort and needed to show off photos to friends or relatives. But I find it really expensive to blog that way. You’re right I don’t see the value at this time.

i cannot imagine myself blogging using my cellphone. except perhaps for the thought that i am connected, there is so little i can do. send pictures yes, tweet, yes. but then it’s really like wearing a wet suit in the mall, very limiting.

A few years ago I used my old P800 to surf the net and I think I tried posting an entry or two in my old blog.

It was an expensive way to do things. But it saved me from brain damaging boredom.

I agree with your observation. I tried updating my blogs through a mobile phone twice and it can be done. However, I find that only when you are in a situation that you need to do something right away that forces you to do so. Also, blogger must have patience to type the whole entry in a notes or document program within the phone and just copy/pasting it later.

I blog a lot using phone, this is to kill time whenever I am stuck hostaged somewhere and bored to death, and SMART’s Php 10/30 min surfing is not bad.

Its limiting if you are trying to post from the scratch and/or if you are trying to upload podcast or pics. But for surfing and blog hopping, it’s not bad.

The potential is there, and if the issue is the keypads, then the cellphone manufacturers might want to follow blackberry on their key pad lay out much easier than the standard ones.

Hey there, i’d like to say that i used my phone to blog alot when i was travelling a couple months ago and i really liked it. It’s a fast easy way to share your pictures and (short) sentiments and moods on your journey. I wouldn’t use it if i was just sitting in a bar a mile from my house though. On a travel blog, nobody minds journalistic errors and paragraphs, it’s all about the images and the short comments on them. Also a nice way to stay in touch with your family and friends by checking messages etc.

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