Mostly Everything

The Smaller Laptop is More Fun Than The MacBook


As far as I love being productive on my Mac, it doesn’t allow me to play games the way I want to. So after more than six months of mulling over buying a gaming device, I decided to purchase a Nintendo DS Lite to keep me busy during idle time. It was really a choice between that and a Playstation Portable but I chose the latter for the following reasons:

  • more fun selection of games given Nintendo’s innovative touch screen interface
  • better battery life
  • it can play old Gameboy Advance games

It was a choice between Tekken, Metal Gear, and Capcom titles against the Mario franchise, Zelda and Castlevania. As I’ve only owned one console in my entire life – the first generation 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System, I went with my childhood nostalgia and loyalty for Nintendo.

JC Medina and Gabe Mercado, the proprietors and instigators behind Geek Chorus organize a casual event called Nintendo DS Nights together with Ryan Sumo and Miriam Sy. It is pretty much a night of beer and multiplayer gaming over WiFi in a very comfortable social environment that does not discriminate the geek gamer.

Really interesting. I’ve been very fascinated at how technology has now spread into the real world socials. Are the geeks becoming more mainstream? I do think so. You can thank the fashion industry for turning “wearable technology” into fashion accessories. And then there’s the iPod of course. And portable gaming devices.

In the Philippines, blog parties and DS lite nights are but the tip of the iceberg. I’m actually looking forward to building my own Siege Weapon one day. You be the trebuchet. I’ll be the onager.


But in the meantime … umm Mario Kart anyone? 🙂

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

3 replies on “The Smaller Laptop is More Fun Than The MacBook”

I chose the PSP. I dunno. Being able to play old PSone games appealed to me more. Hehehe.

Was Tweeting and blogging through my PSP last iBlog3. XD Hahaha.

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