Mostly Everything

Tech Bloggers Wanted: Palm Treo 750 Launch at The Fort

Yesterday, Amor Maclang of Geiser-Maclang PR asked me rather nicely if I could bring some blogger friends to the Palm Treo 750 launch at The Embassy, The Fort.

Geiser-Maclang is one of the few PR agencies in the Philippines that has been rather active in taking bloggers seriously. Of course, this is a loaded statement, as it still is not obvious how “serious” they have been. But nonetheless, Amor is taking baby steps in getting to know the Philippine blogosphere (she is a blogger too). Parteh anyone? I only have limited slots (I can’t acommodate the entire blogosphere … hindi kaya ng powers ko yan)

If you are interested to come (preferred: if your blog’s niche has to do with technology), please leave a comment with your name and blog title and I will forward your names to her. The cool guys and gals from MaPalad (Philippine Palm OS Users Group), the Pinoy Windows Mobile friends and the Microwarehouse peeps will also be there.

The Treo 750 is the Palm-manufactured device that runs on Windows Mobile. Some say this spells the death of Palm, but in a world where you can boot Windows on an Intel Mac, there’s no saying where technology will go today. From the first impressions of the 750, the word is that Plam did a very good integration of the Windows Mobile 5 OS onto the Palm hardware.

The said event will be at Embassy, The Fort at around 8:00 to 10:00 PM on Tuesday. March 20 2007. In return, please blog about the event. 🙂

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

5 replies on “Tech Bloggers Wanted: Palm Treo 750 Launch at The Fort”

[…] enabled Treo 700wx combines a mobile phone(1), comprising all the functionality … Tech Bloggers Wanted: Palm Treo 750 Launch at The FortThe Treo 750 is the Palm-manufactured device that runs on Windows Mobile. Some say this spells the […]

[…] just stop hearing the person and they cannot hear me. It happens randomly but enough to get …Tech Bloggers Wanted: Palm Treo 750 Launch at The FortThe Treo 750 is the Palm-manufactured device that runs on Windows Mobile. Some say this spells the […]

[…] Smartphones. However, one of the newest additions to my PDA corral is Palm s Treo 750, … Tech Bloggers Wanted: Palm Treo 750 Launch at The FortThe Treo 750 is the Palm-manufactured device that runs on Windows Mobile. Some say this spells the […]

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