Mostly Everything

The Pursuit for Bloggers as Journalists

Last Friday, I got a text from a PR agency inviting me to a technology event. This was nothing new as I’ve been to dozens of press launches for products and services, especially in the technology sector.

Now here’s the interesting bit. I thought I had been invited as a member of the press – by virtue of magazine masthead I still help out with Mobile Philippines as contributing ed, so I courteously forwarded the message to our assistant editor who handles the deployment of people to these launches. Now as it turns out, I had been invited not as a contributing editor, but as a blogger (this is not the first time this has happened as Yuga and pals had also been invited to press launches)

This is actually an eye opening revelation for the local blogging community as I have already confirmed from two PR agencies that they value blogs as valuable SEM tools for spreading the word about their client’s products and services. Part of my advocacy in my “unique situation” with media is to try and push for “journalist rights” for bloggers. Not all bloggers, mind you. But bloggers who have been seriously striving to make a name in their niche. As a result they have become authorities in their niches and mavens within their contemporaries.

How far would a blogger go to be recognized? Are you vying for a spot in a press launches — just like how Bono’s nameplate says “Rock Star” in United Nations sessions, would you be proud to be called a “blogger” side by side editors and reporters?

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

11 replies on “The Pursuit for Bloggers as Journalists”

Now that could be the definition of being a problogger, not just earning some decent amount from blogging but becoming noted for it.

I would like probloggers be recognized as legitimate writers. Still ticked off about being denied access to embargoed press releases at EurekAlert! See Ka href=””>Genetics and Health for more.

Most corporations are forming New Media departments – which includes maximizing PR from blogs and other viral mediums. ^^;;

Level-up Games actually has a New Media dep. Lol. Rawr.

Well, I’m sure your old press credentials help. How about those of use without a media background?

Hmm… I’ll be writing for Mobile Philippines… that’ll help. =)

ive made it a point to talk to PR agencies here and do some evangelizing on why bloggers can be just as good, or even better in spreading the word about campaigns and products.

@hsien — argh that sucks….

I get a lot of invitations to food launches, parties, and exhibits opening but the schedule is not convenient sometimes. So what they do is email me back with the photos of the event. Perhaps hoping for a blog entry.


this is actually one aspect of blogging and journalism that needs to be addressed. press launches almost always scheduled at 11 am on weekdays.

not sure if bloggers will have time to go to those launches unless they are blogging full time.

^ with editors and reporters, definitely.

But my non-blogger friends still make fun of me whenever they remember that I attended the blog parteeh. hehe

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