YouTube Revver star “Happyslip” Christine. As a young and gorgeous Filipina who made nursing her fallback in the US, she took the artistic plunge and went all out in her creative endeavors.
A few days ago, Juan of The AfterMac was able to do a follow up on the interview and posted it here.
I work mostly for the business of HappySlip now…. just building it up. I haven’t had to do nursing for a while, just do that whenever I need to. My vision for HappySlip is that it can be a way for me to explore the full potential of my creativity and if it can be cultivated into bringing in some income that would be nice!
I’m figuring that $$ will come in either through other offers whether it be through TV or other websites offering work, but I’d still like to maintain HappySlip as much as possible.
Click on this link for the full interview. Juan, you lucky dog. You now have her iChat ID 🙂
2 replies on “Getting Intimate with Happyslip”
bagay kayo… yihee!!
[…] Happy Slip, at first, I thought Happy was her name until I read from her About, that it is actually how her mother pronounced Half slip when she was younger. I’ve been a reader of her blog eversince Jayvee announced that he’s getting intimate with her. […]