Mostly Everything

A Bugged Life: My Last Post for 2006

As I begin to write this post I am finding it very hard to think of a title – and dear reader, whilst you read the finished post, know that I have been thinking of the perfect way to end the year with my last post since November last month.

Back to headline writing. It is evidence of similar problems I had back in grade 6 where I had trouble thinking of the perfect post title. I learned a technique which I picked up from reading too much Neil Gaiman, which would be to say it plain and simple and let the words flow from your pen keyboard. So hence my title, plain and simple.

There are many people I should thank for such a wonderful 2006. A toast to the following people:

To Poch, Adel, Eva, Jaja, Mitch and the rest of the quirky editorial team at HIP for helping me find my “happy feet heart song”

To JV, Joey, Erwin and my other friends from the INQ7 team (now

To fellow tech journalists, writers, PR folk, marketing and product managers including Joey Server, Ed Geronia, San San de Leon, Agnes Espino, Sheila Rada, Jane Chua, Jed Quiambao, Miles Montecillo, Kit Arines, Sherlyn Co, Denise Haak and the other Ogilvy girls – for being with me in the countless press cons and media events!

To Cathy, Jenny and Sorsi – the Globe Innove “Blogger’s Angels”

To Kiven for taking over the helm of my former position.

To my other blogger friends too many to mention and to the other colleagues I have failed to mention because of my passing into the old age of “late twenties.” 🙂

As I end 2006, I look forward to my “new” work that has everything and anything to do with blogging. Starting January 1 2007 I take over the position of Technology Channel Editor for b5media Inc. A big thank you to the guys at b5media – to Duncan Riley who got me into this in the first place, and to Jeremy, who trusted me with this stuff.

Though this won’t take up my 9-5 I intend to use the free time to pursue other things that have to do with – and also nothing at all with the publishing industry.

Here’s to a bright and optimistic 2007!

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

5 replies on “A Bugged Life: My Last Post for 2006”

[…] Congratulations to Filipino problogger Jayvee Fernandez on taking over as Technology Channel Editor for global blog network b5media. Jayvee is best known as site editor for Cellphone9 and contributing editor for Hinge Inquirer Publications. He also took the gorgeous photo of me on the left. […]

[…] The relentless Filipino takeover of the blogosphere continues. Last month, Abe Olandres and J. Angelo Racoma took over The Blog Herald while Kevin Codamon took over PC Gamers. This week, Jayvee Fernandez took over b5media’s technology channel. Yesterday, Kevin took over That Damn PC. […]

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