Mostly Everything

Pre-Vacation Load: The Sad Part of ProBlogging

If you are in the loop regarding the current payment schemes of network bloggers, you will know that there are around three basic types of payment:

  • the revenue share scheme where you earn a cut from network advertising
  • the blogger salary scheme where you are paid a fixed rate per month
  • the pay per post scheme where you are paid based on the number of posts you make

If you are being paid on a pay per post basis this will definitely spell trouble when you want to go on a vacation. You can’t simply stop your routine – because that will lessen your earnings for the next month (if you’re working on a profit share basis, then this is not a problem).

To remedy this, you will need to do some double time scheduled posting. So let’s assume you do five posts per day. If you are going to be away for one whole week, that would amount to at least 25 to 35 scheduled posts which you need to do several days before you actually leave. I guess it is the same for corporate folk that try to file a leave but need to finish work that they were supposed to offset.

Unless you are a content magician, it will be really tough to try to pull off posting this amount in one go. Some tips that I have learned include:

  • do listings (new year resolution list, Christmas gadget list)
  • highlight previous posts and build on them
  • highlight the top posts you made in a certain category
  • do a top 10 of something – where each item is one post and another post for the intro and another post for the summary
  • greet your readers during the holidays in the form of a post

Do you have other ideas on how to ease the ProBlogger posting marathon?

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

5 replies on “Pre-Vacation Load: The Sad Part of ProBlogging”

Ask your friends/other bloggers to contribute? Like an open mike/blog carnival?
Pay someone to make the posts? (A lot of drawbacks and ethical issues here.)
Make pictures do the talking (not ok if you have 200-words minimum)?
Just talk out loud (like a brainstorming by yourself post).

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